On-Demand Webinar

Hands-On Cloud Native GraphQL: Building a Scalable and Resilient API Layer

You can provision a cloud native GraphQL API layer and start serving applications within minutes. However, readying this layer for production workloads has its challenges.

For starters, what if the number of requests grows 2x, 10x, or 100x? Or, what if the data volume goes from 10GB to 100GB and then 1TB? And what if a cloud availability zone that hosts the API layer experiences outages?

Watch this on-demand webinar where Denis Magda, Director, Developer Relations at Yugabyte, and Praveen Durairaju, Senior Developer Advocate at Hasura, build a cloud native GraphQL API layer. You’ll learn how this API scales horizontally to serve ever-growing data volumes with user requests while tolerating various cloud outages.

You’ll also explore:

  • How to provision a scalable GraphQL layer with Hasura Cloud.
  • How to deploy a distributed and resilient data layer with Yugabyte Cloud.
  • How to assemble a final solution by interconnecting Hasura and Yugabyte Cloud.