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Blogs by: Marko Rajcevic

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – August 18th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – August 18th, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where I have the pleasure of recapping some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. I had a month long hiatus this summer, so we are making it up by adding an extra entry into this week’s edition. As always, this blog series would not be possible without all of the behind the scenes work done by Yugabeings such as Dorian Hoxha and Frits Hoogland.

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – July 9th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – July 9th, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where I have the pleasure of recapping some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. This blog series would not be possible without all of the behind the scenes and community work done by YugabyteDB members such as Dorian Hoxha and Frits Hoogland. All of us here at Yugabyte also have to thank our incredible user community for their work with the technology,

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – June 10th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – June 10th, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published recently. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channel, Forum, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Let’s dive in:

Connection Pooling with YugabyteDB

When looking to pool your connections with YugabyteDB many users take a look at PgBouncer,

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – May 17th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – May 17th, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published recently. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channel, Forum, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Let’s dive in:

Setting Firewall Rules for Cloud Deployments

When deploying a YugabyteDB cluster on a cloud,

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – April 21, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – April 21, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published recently. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channel, Forum, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Let’s get into it:

Importing a Large Table Using Smaller Transactions

When first playing around with YugabyteDB many users import existing data from other databases,

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – April 7, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – April 7, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published since the last post. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channelForumGitHub, or Stack Overflow. Let’s dive right in:

How to create client certs and propagate those on the yb-nodes using the YSQL API

There was a behavior change for the YSQL API after YugabyteDB version 2.5.2 where client certs are no longer required to authenticate to a TLS enabled cluster.

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An Adventure in Multi-Cloud with Kubernetes and Distributed Data

An Adventure in Multi-Cloud with Kubernetes and Distributed Data

At this year’s Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021, Leon Kuperman from CAST AI presented the talk, “An Adventure in Multi-Cloud with Kubernetes and Distributed Data.”

Setting the Scene

CAST AI is an AI-driven cloud optimization platform for Kubernetes that helps companies cut their cloud bill and prevent downtime. In the presentation, Leon walks through how to deploy a highly available YugaybteDB cluster across three cloud providers (AWS,

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