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2019 Distributed SQL Summit Recap and Highlights

2019 Distributed SQL Summit Recap and Highlights

Well, that’s a wrap! Yugabyte would like to extend a special thanks to JD and Amanda from the team, and to all the speakers from Facebook, Google, Amazon, Pivotal, Salesforce, Narvar, Plume Design and others that presented at the first-ever Distributed SQL Summit on Sept 20, 2019.

If you couldn’t make it out to this year’s event, have no fear!

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The Effect of Isolation Levels on Distributed SQL Performance Benchmarking

The Effect of Isolation Levels on Distributed SQL Performance Benchmarking

This post addresses a concern raised about a benchmarking result we recently published comparing the performance of YugabyteDB, Amazon Aurora and CockroachDB. It was pointed out that we unfairly used the default isolation level for each database rather than use serializable isolation level in all databases (even though serializable level was not required for these workloads). In addition, we are also happy to share additional results with the workloads run at YugabyteDB’s serializable isolation level.

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6 Technical Challenges Developing a Distributed SQL Database

6 Technical Challenges Developing a Distributed SQL Database

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We crossed the three year mark of developing the YugabyteDB database in February of 2019. It has been a thrilling journey thus far, but not without its fair share of technical challenges. There were times when we had to go back to the drawing board and even sift through academic research to find a better solution than what we had at hand.

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Rise of Globally Distributed SQL Databases – Redefining Transactional Stores for Cloud Native Era

Rise of Globally Distributed SQL Databases – Redefining Transactional Stores for Cloud Native Era

At last month’s KubeCon + CloudNativeCon in Seattle, the single biggest change from previous container-related conferences was the excitement among the end user companies around their adoption of Kubernetes and the associated cloud native infrastructure ecosystem. The CNCF End User Community page today lists 50+ enterprises and 21+ case studies including those from industry bellwethers such as Capital One, Netflix, Nordstrom and Pinterest. There is a common adoption pattern among all these case studies —

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