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Understand the Differences Between NewSQL and Distributed SQL

Understand the Differences Between NewSQL and Distributed SQL

It’s a common misconception that NewSQL and distributed SQL databases are the same. They’re not. Even though they’re both an evolution in the transactional database, there are significant differences. Distributed SQL adoption is growing because companies face new challenges that cannot be easily addressed with NoSQL, SQL, or NewSQL databases. Let’s look at five of them.

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Row Counts of Tables in a SQL Schema and Database:  PostgreSQL vs. YugabyteDB

Row Counts of Tables in a SQL Schema and Database: PostgreSQL vs. YugabyteDB

Getting the total row counts of data in tables across various dimensions (per-table, per-schema, and in a given database) is a useful SQL technique to have in your toolkit. This blog post will guide you to obtain per-table row counts of all tables in PostgreSQL and YugabyteDB. This can serve as a first sanity check after migrating an application with pre-existing data from PostgreSQL to YugabyteDB.

This blog post also outlines how to get the following row counts broken down per table in a schema,

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Follow-up: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB Webinar

Follow-up: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB Webinar

Earlier this week, Yugabyte CTO Karthik Ranganathan presented the live webinar: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB, with a spotlight on comparing PostgreSQL features, architecture, and the latest performance benchmarks between the two databases. We were delighted to see such interest in the topic, dive deeper into some of the topics we raised in parts 1 and parts 2 of the blog series, Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, and answer questions from the audience.

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Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance – Testing YugabyteDB’s Compatibility

Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance – Testing YugabyteDB’s Compatibility

This post explores the compatibility of YugabyteDB with Oracle and PostgreSQL by examining 15 different Oracle features and their PostgreSQL equivalents highlighted in Roland Takacs’ blog post “Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance.” As a PostgreSQL-compatible distributed SQL database, YugabyteDB offers a broad range of SQL features, making it an interesting choice for those looking to migrate from Oracle to a modern tech stack.

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Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, Part 2

Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, Part 2

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Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, Part 1

Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, Part 1

At Yugabyte, we welcome competition and criticism. We believe these aspects are essential to the wide adoption of a business-critical, fully open source project like YugabyteDB. Specifically, constructive criticism helps us improve the project for the benefit of our large community of users. Engineers at Cockroach Labs posted their analysis of how CockroachDB compares with YugabyteDB a few months ago. We thank them for taking the time to do so.

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