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Spring Data

Change Data Capture (CDC) Using a Spring Data Processing Pipeline

Change Data Capture (CDC) Using a Spring Data Processing Pipeline

Change Data Capture (CDC) is a technique to capture changes in a source database system in real-time. The goal is to stream those changes as events through a data processing pipeline for further processing.

CDC enables many use cases, especially in modern microservices-based architecture that involves a lot of bounded services. It is the de-facto choice for use cases such as search indexes, in-memory data cache, real-time notifications, data sync between sources,

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Spring Data YugabyteDB – Getting Started!

Spring Data YugabyteDB – Getting Started!

Spring Data modules are widely used Spring Framework projects for implementing database access in Java applications. Spring Data provides consistent and familiar APIs for querying the data by supporting Data Repository and Template methods, reducing the boilerplate code required for establishing database connection and queries.

For developers and architects, the standard set of APIs provided by Spring Data abstracts away the need to learn the database-specific query language, reducing ramp-up time and increasing developer velocity.

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Announcing Spring Data YugabyteDB

Announcing Spring Data YugabyteDB

YugabyteDB is the database of choice for building stateful cloud native apps that require resilience and scale. YugabyteDB offers Spring developers an easy way to deploy a transactional, resilient and geo-distributed database in their application stack from the outset, while also providing flexibility and  scalability as requirements change. The Spring community has always been a major influence on what we build at Yugabyte. Many of our customers rely on the immensely popular Spring Boot framework to build microservices. 

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