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YugabyteDB 2.11

Using GIN Indexes in YugabyteDB

Using GIN Indexes in YugabyteDB

At Yugabyte, we are committed to complete PostgreSQL compatibility. Similar to PostgreSQL, YugabyteDB supports the following three container column types. These three data types are extremely useful in various cases:

  • jsonb – Makes it useful for schema-less data use cases
  • tsvector – Supports full text search through a sorted list of distinct lexemes
  • array – Gives the flexibility to store a large composite variable-length value in a single field

Each data type’s utility is severely limited without an efficient way to index them.

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The Most PostgreSQL-Compatible Distributed SQL Database is YugabyteDB

The Most PostgreSQL-Compatible Distributed SQL Database is YugabyteDB

This morning we announced the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.11, a major release which extends PostgreSQL compatibility of the open source distributed SQL database! These updates allow application developers to use powerful and familiar PostgreSQL features without compromising resilience, scale, or performance.

One of the biggest roadblocks to database adoption is a lack of familiarity. Developers love PostgreSQL and want to work with the familiar API in order to be productive.

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