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Blogs by: Rob Sami

YugabyteDB Savepoints: Checkpointing Work in Distributed Transactions

YugabyteDB Savepoints: Checkpointing Work in Distributed Transactions

Yugabyte brings best-in-class performance, scalability, and availability to YugabyteDB, a fully PostgreSQL-compatible SQL database. Because YugabyteDB’s architecture uses PostgreSQL at the SQL layer, we get a long-tail of PostgreSQL compatibility for free. But implementing savepoints requires deeper integration into YugabyteDB’s distributed persistence and transaction layers. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why you should care about savepoints. We’ll also examine how we built savepoints into YugabyteDB’s distributed transaction layer,

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How We Learned to Stop Guessing and Love Low P-Values

How We Learned to Stop Guessing and Love Low P-Values

“I don’t think it’s quite fair to condemn the whole program because of a single slip up, sir.” Famous last words from Kubrick’s 1964 classic Dr. Strangelove, as a forlorn general realizes his negligence is about to lead to nuclear apocalypse. This may feel relatable to any engineer who has immediately regretted pushing the big red “release” button only to later find themselves putting out fires late into the night.

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