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Release Announcements

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.12: Seamless Security and Better Manageability

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.12: Seamless Security and Better Manageability

Last November, we announced the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.11, a major release which extends PostgreSQL compatibility of the open source distributed SQL database. All these features are readily available in this stable release for any production environment.

In addition to making these features GA, YugabyteDB 2.12 introduces several new capabilities and significant improvements towards seamless security and better manageability.

Seamless security

Building customer trust is a top priority at Yugabyte.

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The Most PostgreSQL-Compatible Distributed SQL Database is YugabyteDB

The Most PostgreSQL-Compatible Distributed SQL Database is YugabyteDB

This morning we announced the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.11, a major release which extends PostgreSQL compatibility of the open source distributed SQL database! These updates allow application developers to use powerful and familiar PostgreSQL features without compromising resilience, scale, or performance.

One of the biggest roadblocks to database adoption is a lack of familiarity. Developers love PostgreSQL and want to work with the familiar API in order to be productive.

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Alerts and Notifications in Yugabyte Platform

Alerts and Notifications in Yugabyte Platform

Operational visibility is key to understanding distributed SQL databases across dimensions of uptime, performance, and capacity planning. Keeping tabs on uptime is crucial for running clusters in production. You need to ensure you have the right process and alerting system in place to allow for fast action, as illustrated in the below diagram.

Yugabyte Platform offers a dedicated observability and monitoring view, which serves as a single pane of glass for the customer’s performance metrics across all clouds.

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Yugabyte Platform API: Securely Deploying YugabyteDB Clusters Using Infrastructure-as-Code

Yugabyte Platform API: Securely Deploying YugabyteDB Clusters Using Infrastructure-as-Code

The Yugabyte Platform console orchestrates and manages YugabyteDB clusters in one or more regions across public cloud and private, on-prem data centers. Yugabyte Platform console is a powerful interface with an immense amount of automation to set up your databases across all major cloud providers around the globe. Through the UI, you can easily deploy a fully scalable global cluster across several regions and even across different cloud providers in a matter of minutes. The UI is super intuitive and great,

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.8

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.8

Yugabyte is on a mission to build the default database for cloud native applications and simplify operational data infrastructure. Our latest stable release — YugabyteDB 2.8 — is a big step towards that goal. YugabyteDB 2.8 includes significant enhancements to the open source database and our self-managed DBaaS offering, Yugabyte Platform. While we add more and more features on the Distributed SQL side, we are committed to making Yugabyte Platform easy for our users to use in their production cloud environments.

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.9: Pushing the Boundaries of Relational Databases

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.9: Pushing the Boundaries of Relational Databases

This morning we announced the latest release of the YugabyteDB open source database, YugabyteDB 2.9! This release introduces new capabilities that push the boundaries of relational databases further than ever before. Yugabyte pioneered distributed SQL databases that combine advanced RDBMS capabilities with the resilience, scale, and geo-distribution that cloud native applications demand. Over the years, we have continued to innovate with capabilities such as distributed transactional backups, YSQL tablespaces,

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.6

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.6

Yugabyte is on a mission to build the default database for cloud native applications and simplify operational data infrastructure. Our latest release, YugabyteDB 2.6, is a big step forward towards that goal. YugabyteDB 2.6 includes significant enhancements to the open source database and our self-managed DBaaS offering, Yugabyte Platform. These enhancements, including point in time recovery (PITR), default encryption in transit, availability of Yugabyte Platform on Microsoft Azure, Red Hat OpenShift, and VMware Tanzu, and Yugabyte Platform high availability,

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Introducing YugabyteDB 2.7: The Most Comprehensive Coverage of Kubernetes Environments for Microservices

Introducing YugabyteDB 2.7: The Most Comprehensive Coverage of Kubernetes Environments for Microservices

YugabyteDB is the distributed SQL database of choice for building mission-critical microservices that deliver new customer experiences, improve operations, and drive innovation. We aim to make your experience of deploying and running YugabyteDB on any infrastructure seamless, be it Kubernetes, VMs, or bare metal across private, public, and hybrid cloud environments.

With our latest release, YugabyteDB 2.7, we have added updates to give developers the scalability and resilience they need from systems of record for their microservices.

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.4

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.4

Run mission-critical applications at scale with enterprise-grade SLAs and security

Our mission at Yugabyte is to build the default distributed SQL database for cloud native applications in a multi-cloud world. We have been accelerating on this mission by bringing new features, growing our user base, and making our software as robust as possible. Today we are excited to announce the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.4 which includes major enhancements and provides enterprise-grade stability allowing you to deploy YugabyteDB in production environments.

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What’s New in YugabyteDB 2.5 – Enterprise-Grade Security Features

What’s New in YugabyteDB 2.5 – Enterprise-Grade Security Features

The YugabyteDB 2.5 release adds many critical enterprise-grade security features. This blog post outlines these newly added features.


Adding scram-sha-256 authentication

The first notable addition is the addition of a much improved, password-based authentication mechanism called Salted Challenge Response Authentication Mechanism (or simply SCRAM) as described in RFC5802. This scram-sha-256 authentication mechanism, identical to the most secure PostgreSQL authentication schema,

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