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Google Cloud Spanner

Google Spanner vs. Calvin: Is There a Clear Winner in the Battle for Global Consistency at Scale?

Google Spanner vs. Calvin: Is There a Clear Winner in the Battle for Global Consistency at Scale?

Prof. Daniel Abadi, lead inventor of the Calvin transaction management protocol and the PACELC theorem, wrote a thought-provoking post last month titled “NewSQL database systems are failing to guarantee consistency, and I blame Spanner”. The post takes a negative view of software-only Google Spanner derivative databases such as YugabyteDB and CockroachDB that use Spanner-like partitioned consensus for single shard transactions and a two phase commit (2PC) protocol for multi-shard (aka distributed) ACID transactions.

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New to Google Cloud Databases? 5 Areas of Confusion That You Better Be Aware of

New to Google Cloud Databases? 5 Areas of Confusion That You Better Be Aware of

After billions of dollars in capital expenditure and reference customers in every major vertical, Google Cloud Platform has finally emerged as a credible competitor to Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure when it comes to enterprise-ready cloud infrastructure. While Google Cloud’s compute and storage offerings are easier to understand, making sense of its various managed database offerings is not for the faint-hearted. This post introduces app developers to the major Google Cloud database services,

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Practical Tradeoffs in Google Cloud Spanner, Azure Cosmos DB and YugabyteDB

Practical Tradeoffs in Google Cloud Spanner, Azure Cosmos DB and YugabyteDB

Updated April 2019.

The famed CAP Theorem has been a source of much debate among distributed systems engineers. Those of us building distributed databases are often asked how we deal with it. In this post, we dive deeper into the consistency-availability tradeoff imposed by CAP which is only applicable during failure conditions. We also highlight the lesser-known-but-equally-important consistency-latency tradeoff imposed by the PACELC Theorem that extends CAP to normal operations.

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