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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mainframe Modernization

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mainframe Modernization

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Brenesh Stanslas Flower Mary – Senior Architect, Wipro Digital, presented the talk “Monolith to Microservices.” In the talk he demonstrated how it is possible to take a large, intertwined mainframe monolith and break it down into microservices using a practical approach. The end-to-end approach he demonstrated made use of Wipro’s “moderniZ” platform which addresses the modernization (or transformation) of UIs, data, and services.

Challenges with Mainframes Today

Brenesh pointed out that although many organizations are well down the path of moving new (and some legacy applications) to the cloud or cloud-native technologies so they can take advantage of the cost savings,

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