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Blogs by: Jimmy Guerrero

The Future of Databases – Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021

The Future of Databases – Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021

At this year’s Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021, Dhaval Jagani from Infosys presented the talk, “The Future of Databases.” In this post you can find a summary of the talk, some of the presentation highlights, as well as links to this talk and others from the event.

New Data Trends and Demands

Dhaval kicked things off by exploring the data trends he’s spotted from his vantage at Infosys,

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – May 2021

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – May 2021

We started off 2021 strong with exciting announcements, including:

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YSQL Development Intermediate Training Recap – April 22, 2021

YSQL Development Intermediate Training Recap – April 22, 2021

Yesterday we delivered our free “YSQL Development Intermediate” community training and certification class. If you weren’t able to make it, here’s what you missed…

Course Content

In this 90 min training aimed at beginner and intermediate SQL developers, we covered the following topics:

  • YugabyteDB review and setup
  • Constraints
  • UDFs, expressions, and operators
  • Indexes
  • Views
  • Triggers
  • Extensions

We worked through over 40 exercises that showed how developers can immediately leverage their PostgreSQL knowledge and apply it to YugabyteDB.

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Creating a Centralized Consent Database for 80M Citizens Across 100k+ Companies

Creating a Centralized Consent Database for 80M Citizens Across 100k+ Companies

At this year’s Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021, Cetin Yalcin Gulec, Shivam Arora, and Cem Aladogan from Softtech presented the talk, “Creating a Centralized Commercial Consent Database for 80M Citizens Across 100k+ Companies.” In this post you can find a summary of the talk, some of the presentation highlights, as well as links to this talk and others from the event.

A Quick Introduction to Softtech

Cem kicked things off with a quick introduction to Softtech.

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YSQL Development Fundamentals Training Recap – Feb 25, 2021

YSQL Development Fundamentals Training Recap – Feb 25, 2021

Yesterday we delivered our free “YSQL Development Fundamentals” community training and certification class. A special thanks to Karen Tamrazyan and a variety of Meetup groups for hosting and helping promote the event! If you weren’t able to make it, here’s what you missed…

Course Content

In this 90 min training aimed at beginner and intermediate SQL developers, we’ll covered the following topics:

  • YugabyteDB Architecture Review
  • Local 3-Node Installation
  • Basic Administration
  • Installing a Sample Database
  • Configuring Graphical SQL Development Tools
  • Working with the YSQL Shell
  • Schemas and Databases
  • Table Management
  • Data Types
  • Data Manipulation
  • Queries
  • Joins

We worked through almost 80 exercises that showed how developers can immediately leverage their PostgreSQL knowledge and apply it to YugabyteDB.

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YugabyteDB Fundamentals Training Q&A – Jan 28, 2021

YugabyteDB Fundamentals Training Q&A – Jan 28, 2021

Yesterday we had almost 200 folks show up for the latest “YugabyteDB Fundamentals and Certification” training session. We had a lot of questions during the session and weren’t able to get to them all! In this blog I have compiled the majority of them and provided answers in a simple Q&A format.

Missed yesterday’s training? You can catch our next training session, “YugabyteDB YSQL Development and Certification and Training” on Feb 25 by registering here.

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Announcing Yugabyte University

Announcing Yugabyte University

The team here at Yugabyte is excited to announce the launch of Yugabyte University! Our new education program features a variety of instructor-led and on-demand courses that enable you to learn distributed SQL fundamentals, development, and administration in a variety of ways that suit you best. But, before we lay out all the different training options now available to you, here are a few testimonials about our training:


“Yugabyte’s professional training has the right mix of real-world examples and hands-on exercises.

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Wrapping Up 2020 at Yugabyte

Wrapping Up 2020 at Yugabyte

2020 has been quite an unusual year. Many aspects of business and life have been radically transformed. Words can’t fully express the suffering experienced this year as individuals, families, societies, and as a global community. But simply put – 2020 was challenging and hard. We wish everyone a kind and gentle new year ahead.

As we eagerly welcome 2021, we also wanted to take a moment to wrap up 2020 at Yugabyte. Amid all the tough spots,

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mastercard’s Cloud Native Journey to Distributed Databases

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mastercard’s Cloud Native Journey to Distributed Databases

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Ken Owens – Vice President, Cloud Native Engineering, Mastercard, presented the talk, “The Data Divide: An End User’s Cloud Native Journey to Distributed Databases.”

Because Ken has been working at the intersection of technology and financial services for more than 20 years, he brings a unique perspective to how cloud native and distributed systems can transform, what from the outside may appear to be a slow moving industry,

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