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Enhancing RocksDB for Speed & Scale

Enhancing RocksDB for Speed & Scale

As described in our previous post “How We Built a High Performance Document Store on RocksDB?”, YugabyteDB’s distributed document store (DocDB) uses RocksDB as its per-node storage engine. We made multiple performance and data density related enhancements to RocksDB in the course of embedding it into DocDB’s document storage layer (figure below). These enhancements are distributed as part of the YugabyteDB open source project. The goal of this post is to deep dive into these enhancements for the benefit of engineering teams interested in leveraging RocksDB beyond its original design intent of a fast monolithic key-value store.

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How We Built a High Performance Document Store on RocksDB?

How We Built a High Performance Document Store on RocksDB?

This blog post was co-authored by Mikhail Bautin and Kannan Muthukkaruppan

RocksDB is a popular embeddable persistent key-value store. First open sourced by Facebook in 2012 as a fork of the Google LevelDB project, it has been adapted over the years to a wide range of workloads including database storage engines and application data caching.

In this post, we explain our rationale for selecting RocksDB as a foundational building block for YugabyteDB.

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