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Blogs by: Jimmy Guerrero

Wrapping Up: Jepsen Test Results for YugabyteDB 1.2 Webinar

Wrapping Up: Jepsen Test Results for YugabyteDB 1.2 Webinar

If you missed the April 30 webinar with Kyle Kingsbury, the creator of Jepsen and Karthik Ranganathan, CTO at YugaByte, you can check out the playback here and download the slides here.

Kyle did a great deep-dive into his testing approach, research methodology and what he found when applied to YugabyteDB. If you are looking for an unvarnished and honest assessment of YugabyteDB’s consistency and transactional claims,

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How to Migrate Data from Cassandra or MySQL to YugabyteDB?

How to Migrate Data from Cassandra or MySQL to YugabyteDB?

If you work with databases, at some point you are going to need to get data in and out them using a format that can be consumed by a completely different system. YugabyteDB makes use of CSV files to make this as easy as possible. The CSV format is arguably the most universally portable way to get data migrations accomplished.

TL;DR – YugabyteDB makes use of Cassandra’s COPY FROM command and a forked version of Cassandra’s Bulk Loader to get data into the system.

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Getting Started with YugabyteDB’s Security Features

Getting Started with YugabyteDB’s Security Features

In this blog post we are going to give you a quick overview of YugabyteDB’s security features . We’ll cover authentication, authorization, encryption, plus a simple security checklist to help lock down your install. For the purposes of this walk-through, we are going to use the Cassandra-compatible, flexible-schema YCQL API as an example.


First things first, authentication is not enabled by default. So, once you are through experimenting with YugabyteDB on your laptop and are ready to start development in earnest,

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Apache Cassandra DB Architecture Fundamentals

Apache Cassandra DB Architecture Fundamentals

What is the Apache Cassandra Database?

Apache Cassandra is a distributed open source database that can be referred to as a “NoSQL database” or a “wide column store.” Cassandra was originally developed at Facebook to power its “Inbox” feature and was released as an open source project in 2008. Cassandra is designed to handle “big data” workloads by distributing data, reads and writes (eventually) across multiple nodes with no single point of failure.

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How DynamoDB’s Pricing Works, Gets Expensive Quickly and the Best Alternatives

How DynamoDB’s Pricing Works, Gets Expensive Quickly and the Best Alternatives

DynamoDB is AWS’s NoSQL alternative to Cassandra, primarily marketed to mid-sized and large enterprises. It works best for those who require a flexible data model, reliable performance, and the automatic scaling of throughput capacity. In a nutshell, DynamoDB’s monthly cost is dictated by data storage, writes and reads. Let’s walk through a synopsis.

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