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Blogs by: Sanket Kedia

Auto-Balancing Data in YugabyteDB, a Distributed SQL Database

Auto-Balancing Data in YugabyteDB, a Distributed SQL Database

YugabyteDB is a distributed, fault tolerant and highly available database with extremely low latencies for reads and writes. Data in YugabyteDB is sharded, replicated and balanced across multiple nodes that can potentially be in different availability zones, regions or even clouds for that matter. In this blog post, we look at how data balancing happens in YugabyteDB and some of the key features of YugabyteDB’s “Cluster Balancer.”

The cluster balancer runs once every second.

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The Average Dreamer

The Average Dreamer

Editor’s note: Yugabyte is hiring! See all the job openings and consider applying.


Does any of this ring familiar to you:

“I don’t think that I am making any contribution to the overall growth of the organization.”

“It’s not only about the growth of the organization, it’s about your growth. Both go hand in hand. These tasks might seem trivial to you but they are very important so that you get comfortable.”

Ever heard these words from your manager?

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