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Apache Cassandra

Apache Cassandra DB Architecture Fundamentals

Apache Cassandra DB Architecture Fundamentals

What is the Apache Cassandra Database?

Apache Cassandra is a distributed open source database that can be referred to as a “NoSQL database” or a “wide column store.” Cassandra was originally developed at Facebook to power its “Inbox” feature and was released as an open source project in 2008. Cassandra is designed to handle “big data” workloads by distributing data, reads and writes (eventually) across multiple nodes with no single point of failure.

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Building a Strongly Consistent Cassandra with Better Performance

Building a Strongly Consistent Cassandra with Better Performance

In an earlier blog on database consistency, we had a detailed discussion on the risks and challenges applications face in dealing with eventually consistent NoSQL databases. We also dispelled the myth that eventually consistent DBs perform better than strongly consistent DBs. In this blog, we will look more closely into how YugabyteDB provides strong consistency while outperforming an eventually consistent DB like Apache Cassandra. Note that YugabyteDB retains drop-in compatibility with the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) API.

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