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The Distributed SQL Blog

People and Potential: Why I Joined Yugabyte

People and Potential: Why I Joined Yugabyte

When I first started my graduate studies in databases in 2012, I remember reading a freshly-minted paper that was making big waves in the DB community: Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database. I remember being blown away by the scale of the problems being tackled. Synchronizing a globally-distributed database while maintaining a usable transaction latency seemed an impossible task, one that comes with challenges that only exist on the global scale. As a naive grad student,

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The Next Chapter for Falarica – Building the Default Database for the Cloud

The Next Chapter for Falarica – Building the Default Database for the Cloud

Hi there…a big hello from all of us at Falarica!!!

It is with immense pleasure and great pride that we,, decided to join hands with Yugabyte to build great data products together. Thanks to the entire Yugabyte team for extending a very warm welcome to us. And of course a very big thank you to the entire Falarica team for their hard work in creating considerable value in a short span of time.

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – May 17th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – May 17th, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published recently. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channel, Forum, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Let’s dive in:

Setting Firewall Rules for Cloud Deployments

When deploying a YugabyteDB cluster on a cloud,

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The Future of Databases – Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021

The Future of Databases – Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021

At this year’s Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021, Dhaval Jagani from Infosys presented the talk, “The Future of Databases.” In this post you can find a summary of the talk, some of the presentation highlights, as well as links to this talk and others from the event.

New Data Trends and Demands

Dhaval kicked things off by exploring the data trends he’s spotted from his vantage at Infosys,

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – May 2021

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – May 2021

We started off 2021 strong with exciting announcements, including:

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Introducing YugabyteDB 2.7: The Most Comprehensive Coverage of Kubernetes Environments for Microservices

Introducing YugabyteDB 2.7: The Most Comprehensive Coverage of Kubernetes Environments for Microservices

YugabyteDB is the distributed SQL database of choice for building mission-critical microservices that deliver new customer experiences, improve operations, and drive innovation. We aim to make your experience of deploying and running YugabyteDB on any infrastructure seamless, be it Kubernetes, VMs, or bare metal across private, public, and hybrid cloud environments.

With our latest release, YugabyteDB 2.7, we have added updates to give developers the scalability and resilience they need from systems of record for their microservices.

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Distributed SQL Databases on Kubernetes Webinar Recap

Distributed SQL Databases on Kubernetes Webinar Recap

We recently presented the live webinar on how to run distributed SQL databases on Kubernetes. This session focused on the design of stateful workloads in Kubernetes, the architecture and deployment of YugabyteDB in Kubernetes, and best practices to run cloud native stateful workloads with a real-world example.

In this blog post, we provide the playback recording and slides, and recap some highlights from the presentation.

If you have additional questions about running the YugabyteDB distributed SQL database on Kubernetes,

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YSQL Development Intermediate Training Recap – April 22, 2021

YSQL Development Intermediate Training Recap – April 22, 2021

Yesterday we delivered our free “YSQL Development Intermediate” community training and certification class. If you weren’t able to make it, here’s what you missed…

Course Content

In this 90 min training aimed at beginner and intermediate SQL developers, we covered the following topics:

  • YugabyteDB review and setup
  • Constraints
  • UDFs, expressions, and operators
  • Indexes
  • Views
  • Triggers
  • Extensions

We worked through over 40 exercises that showed how developers can immediately leverage their PostgreSQL knowledge and apply it to YugabyteDB.

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – April 21, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – April 21, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published recently. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channel, Forum, GitHub, or Stack Overflow. Let’s get into it:

Importing a Large Table Using Smaller Transactions

When first playing around with YugabyteDB many users import existing data from other databases,

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Creating a Centralized Consent Database for 80M Citizens Across 100k+ Companies

Creating a Centralized Consent Database for 80M Citizens Across 100k+ Companies

At this year’s Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021, Cetin Yalcin Gulec, Shivam Arora, and Cem Aladogan from Softtech presented the talk, “Creating a Centralized Commercial Consent Database for 80M Citizens Across 100k+ Companies.” In this post you can find a summary of the talk, some of the presentation highlights, as well as links to this talk and others from the event.

A Quick Introduction to Softtech

Cem kicked things off with a quick introduction to Softtech.

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