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The Distributed SQL Blog

Announcing DSS ’21: Third Annual Distributed SQL Summit

Announcing DSS ’21: Third Annual Distributed SQL Summit

We are delighted to announce that registration is now open for the third annual Distributed SQL Summit! DSS 2021 will happen on September 21-23, bringing together the YugabyteDB open source user community, customers, partners and industry thought leaders to explore opportunities and experiences of embracing modern cloud native data architectures. We are planning sessions and workshops that will dive into use cases, technologies, and best practices for adopting distributed SQL databases for any app at any scale across any cloud.

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Using Sequelize with YugabyteDB

Using Sequelize with YugabyteDB

Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js ORM tool that allows us to interact with databases using javascript instead of SQL. In simple terms, Object Relational Mapping is a process for accessing a relational database using object-oriented languages like javascript. For more information on the features in Sequelize, you can check out their documentation site.

Sequelize Node.js package already has support for databases like Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server.

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.6

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.6

Yugabyte is on a mission to build the default database for cloud native applications and simplify operational data infrastructure. Our latest release, YugabyteDB 2.6, is a big step forward towards that goal. YugabyteDB 2.6 includes significant enhancements to the open source database and our self-managed DBaaS offering, Yugabyte Platform. These enhancements, including point in time recovery (PITR), default encryption in transit, availability of Yugabyte Platform on Microsoft Azure, Red Hat OpenShift, and VMware Tanzu, and Yugabyte Platform high availability,

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Spotlight – July 2021

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Spotlight – July 2021

The Yugabyte community is always active and its members are constantly having interesting conversations and making valuable contributions. We spotlight members of the community to recognize their contributions to making the Yugabyte community a great place.

Radek Gruchalski, Managing Director & Software Engineer @ Klarrio GmbH

GitHub:, LinkedIn:,


If you’re on the Yugabyte community Slack often,

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Connecting to YugabyteDB with Arctype, a Collaborative SQL Client

Connecting to YugabyteDB with Arctype, a Collaborative SQL Client

YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible. It uses the same protocol and SQL layer as PostgreSQL. This makes YugabyteDB compatible with a majority of database tools, because PostgreSQL is the most popular open source database on the planet. Here is an example with Arctype, a user-friendly collaborative SQL client to query and visualize data.

Setting up a database connection

1. I went to and downloaded the client for Windows.


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Getting Started with the Kafka Connect for YugabyteDB (beta)

Getting Started with the Kafka Connect for YugabyteDB (beta)

Kafka Connect is a popular tool for scaling and reliably streaming data between Apache Kafka and other data systems. It ships with a JDBC Sink which is used to insert data from Kafka to a database. Although the default JDBC Sink is good for many popular RDBMS it isn’t optimized for distributed SQL databases that provide linear scalability and high availability like YugabyteDB.

In our earlier blog introducing YugabyteDB 2.7,

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Customer Chat with Paul Gaffney of Kohl’s

Customer Chat with Paul Gaffney of Kohl’s

A few weeks ago, Yugabyte CEO Bill Cook and I had the pleasure of speaking with Paul Gaffney, the CTO and Chief Supply Chain Officer of Kohl’s during a virtual fireside chat as part of our Catalysts of Change series. Paul is a visionary tech leader with an extensive track record of driving technology change and innovation at companies like Dick’s Sporting Goods, The Home Depot, and AAA of Northern California,

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – July 9th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – July 9th, 2021

Welcome back to our bi-weekly tips and tricks blog where I have the pleasure of recapping some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. This blog series would not be possible without all of the behind the scenes and community work done by YugabyteDB members such as Dorian Hoxha and Frits Hoogland. All of us here at Yugabyte also have to thank our incredible user community for their work with the technology,

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Multi-Region YugabyteDB Deployments on Kubernetes with Istio

Multi-Region YugabyteDB Deployments on Kubernetes with Istio

This blog post is written by guest author Bhavin Gandhi, Software Engineer at InfraCloud Technologies, Inc., in collaboration with teams at Yugabyte. InfraCloud helps startups, SMBs, and enterprises scale by adopting cloud native technologies.

As organizations deploy applications across multiple cloud regions to better meet user demand and comply with regulations such as GDPR, there is a need to distribute data across geographic regions.

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