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Can You Set Different RF Values And Server Counts For The Read Replica Cluster?

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks Series
Marko Rajcevic

Read replicas asynchronously replicate data from your primary cluster to a remote region in order to serve low latency reads to users in those areas. Read replicas are observer nodes that do not participate in writes, but get a timeline-consistent copy of the data through asynchronous replication from the primary cluster. They do not guarantee strong consistency and ACID compliance. As such, stale reads are possible with an upper bound on the amount of staleness.

Learn more about read replicas>>>

Your primary cluster along with any read replicas make up what we call a Universe in YugabyteDB. Read replicas can have any number of servers, since their server count and replication factor (RF) is completely separate from your primary cluster. For example, if you have your primary cluster in the US, you can extend to a single region in the EU with a single read replica, or you can have multiple read replica nodes in different regions. Since read replicas have their own replication factor, if you want high availability for that replica you would want to have a higher node count and replication factor greater than 1.

Register for the Distributed SQL Summit

Join us at our free online Distributed SQL Summit on September 12 to hear about our new Connection Manager during the keynote.

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If You Have Questions About YugabyteDB and Distributed SQL

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Ready To Start Exploring Yugabytedb Features?

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Marko Rajcevic

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