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Yugabyte University Celebrates Being an ACE Awards 2022 Finalist

Yugabyte University Celebrates Being an ACE Awards 2022 Finalist

Yugabyte University has been named a finalist for the ACE Awards 2022. This award recognizes programs that demonstrate educational excellence in their domain, and Yugabyte University has stood out in our first year with not only a nomination but a seat at the finalist table. Read through the blog to learn more about the technology behind our university and how that helps us provide awesomeness in customer education.

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Celebrating 10,000 Students Enrolled in Yugabyte University!

Celebrating 10,000 Students Enrolled in Yugabyte University!

After officially launching Yugabyte University in early 2022, we are happy to share a major milestone! Ten thousand amazing students are enrolled in various self-paced and instructor-led courses, certification programs, and builder workshops to better build their skillsets around distributed SQL and YugabyteDB. Read this blog for an overview of what’s currently available, including links to specific learning experiences.

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YSQL Development Intermediate Training Recap – April 22, 2021

YSQL Development Intermediate Training Recap – April 22, 2021

Yesterday we delivered our free “YSQL Development Intermediate” community training and certification class. If you weren’t able to make it, here’s what you missed…

Course Content

In this 90 min training aimed at beginner and intermediate SQL developers, we covered the following topics:

  • YugabyteDB review and setup
  • Constraints
  • UDFs, expressions, and operators
  • Indexes
  • Views
  • Triggers
  • Extensions

We worked through over 40 exercises that showed how developers can immediately leverage their PostgreSQL knowledge and apply it to YugabyteDB.

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YSQL Development Fundamentals Training Recap – Feb 25, 2021

YSQL Development Fundamentals Training Recap – Feb 25, 2021

Yesterday we delivered our free “YSQL Development Fundamentals” community training and certification class. A special thanks to Karen Tamrazyan and a variety of Meetup groups for hosting and helping promote the event! If you weren’t able to make it, here’s what you missed…

Course Content

In this 90 min training aimed at beginner and intermediate SQL developers, we’ll covered the following topics:

  • YugabyteDB Architecture Review
  • Local 3-Node Installation
  • Basic Administration
  • Installing a Sample Database
  • Configuring Graphical SQL Development Tools
  • Working with the YSQL Shell
  • Schemas and Databases
  • Table Management
  • Data Types
  • Data Manipulation
  • Queries
  • Joins

We worked through almost 80 exercises that showed how developers can immediately leverage their PostgreSQL knowledge and apply it to YugabyteDB.

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Announcing Yugabyte University

Announcing Yugabyte University

The team here at Yugabyte is excited to announce the launch of Yugabyte University! Our new education program features a variety of instructor-led and on-demand courses that enable you to learn distributed SQL fundamentals, development, and administration in a variety of ways that suit you best. But, before we lay out all the different training options now available to you, here are a few testimonials about our training:


“Yugabyte’s professional training has the right mix of real-world examples and hands-on exercises.

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

We just released YugabyteDB 2.5, and open source software like this doesn’t happen without an awesome open source community backing it. As the year draws to a close, we’d like to take the opportunity to call out some YugabyteDB community highlights from 2020.

Our commitment to open source

First, it is worth restating that YugabyteDB doesn’t pay lip service to open source like other database projects. We don’t trick you into downloading software that has time-bombed enterprise features that you can “try,” but ultimately have to “buy”.

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