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Announcing Yugabyte University

Jimmy Guerrero

VP Developer Relations

The team here at Yugabyte is excited to announce the launch of Yugabyte University! Our new education program features a variety of instructor-led and on-demand courses that enable you to learn distributed SQL fundamentals, development, and administration in a variety of ways that suit you best. But, before we lay out all the different training options now available to you, here are a few testimonials about our training:


“Yugabyte’s professional training has the right mix of real-world examples and hands-on exercises. It is also complemented with an excellent explanation of the underlying database architecture. The training has helped our architects develop a deep understanding of distributed SQL and how Yugabyte can be used to build high throughput, low latency data management applications.” 

— Gautam Khanna, Vice President of Modernization Practice, Infosys

“On behalf of Team Wipro, thank you very much for providing such an awesome training! You broke down complex technology into a simple and easy to understand format for all of us to grasp as fast as possible.” 

— Ramachandran Padmanabhan, Vice President & Global Head, Cloud Transformation Business, Wipro

Here’s an overview of the courses and workshops currently available and a roadmap of those in development.

Community Training and Certification

These FREE, virtual 90-minute instructor led courses are delivered over Zoom in partnership with Yugabyte’s community members and affiliated Meetups. Every participant is given access to exam prep materials, plus a link to an exam to earn a certificate and badge upon receiving a passing score. We’ve already had more than 200 students pass the “YugabyteDB Fundamentals” exam in just the first month of its availability!

Yugabyte University Fundamentals Certification

Here is the next community training on the calendar that you can register for now:

The #training channel on YugabyteDB Community Slack  is the best place to be among the first to find out about even more upcoming training and certifications. If you are the organizer of a Meetup and would like to co-present an upcoming training with us, please drop into the #training channel and we can coordinate a date that works best for your members.

On Demand Training

These FREE, bite-sized video driven courses enable you to acquire distributed SQL fundamentals, development, and administration skills at your own pace. These on demand courses contain a mix of lectures and hands-on labs that you can complete at your convenience. Every registrant is given access to exam prep materials, a link to a certification exam, plus an opportunity to earn a certificate and badge upon receiving a passing score.

The “Distributed SQL & YugabyteDB Fundamentals” course and certification exam is currently available with the “YSQL Development” course coming online in a few weeks.

Additional on demand courses and certifications are planned for 2021 so stay tuned!

Technical Workshops

These FREE, virtual two hour technical workshops are delivered by Yugabyte instructors over Zoom. We currently have three workshops you can request:

Spring + Distributed SQL Development: In this hands-on, two hour workshop we’ll show you how to build data-driven microservices apps using Spring Boot on top of the YugabyteDB distributed SQL database. Minimum number of participants is 10. Request a workshop for your organization here.

Distributed SQL for Academia and Universities: In this workshop Karthik Ranganathan, CTO and co-founder of Yugabyte walks CIS students through in-depth analysis of the design and internals of distributed SQL systems. This talk has been presented at UT Austin, Carnegie Mellon University, UC Irvine, and more. To request a workshop for your students, contact us.

Distributed SQL for Development Teams: In this private workshop, Yugabyte instructors mix lecture with hands-on labs to accelerate your team’s understanding of YugabyteDB’s architecture, fault tolerance characteristics, effective schema design, YCQL and YSQL development, administration, security, monitoring, and more! We’ve delivered this workshop at organizations including Pinterest and Twitter. If you are ready to accelerate your team’s practical knowledge of distributed SQL, contact us to request a workshop.

Corporate Training

These in-depth, multi-hour instructor-led courses are delivered over Zoom (at least while Covid-19 makes in-person training a no go.) Your team will learn about basic through advanced distributed SQL topics using a mix of technical lectures, Q&A, and engaging hands-on labs. The “YugabyteDB YCQL” course is currently available; the “YSQL Development” course and more will be available in the coming weeks! To learn more about our corporate training program, available courses, and cost, contact us. Please note that we do require a minimum number of participants to book a professional training.

What’s Next?

We are just getting started! On-demand, instructor led courses, and certifications in-development or available now include:

  • Distributed SQL YugabyteDB Fundamentals
  • YugabyteDB YSQL Development
  • YugabyteDB YCQL Development
  • YugabyteDB DBA Fundamentals
  • Jamstack Development with YugabyteDB
  • GraphQL and YugabyteDB Development and Administration
  • YugabyteDB Advanced Security
  • YugabyteDB Schema Design Fundamentals

Again, the #training channel on YugabyteDB Community Slack is the best place to be among the first to find out about upcoming training and certifications as they become available.

Jimmy Guerrero

VP Developer Relations

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