
Doubling Down on PostgreSQL Compatibility: YugabyteDB Levels Up with PG15 Features

Doubling Down on PostgreSQL Compatibility: YugabyteDB Levels Up with PG15 Features

The latest release of YugabyteDB delivers 15 key PostgreSQL 15 features, providing an industry-first zero-downtime PostgreSQL upgrade and downgrade experience. This gives users a truly cloud-native PostgreSQL solution. Discover how YugabyteDB 2.25 can help you confidently explore the latest PostgreSQL features and innovations while maintaining business continuity and minimizing risk.

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Aurora DSQL: How the Latest Distributed SQL Database Compares to YugabyteDB

Aurora DSQL: How the Latest Distributed SQL Database Compares to YugabyteDB

Amazon recently launched Aurora DSQL, a new distributed SQL database that validates the growing importance of distributed SQL and introduces unique architectural features tied to the AWS infrastructure. This blog examines Aurora DSQL’s PostgreSQL compatibility, architectural distinctions, concurrency control, multi-region capabilities, and positioning relative to YugabyteDB in the evolving database landscape.

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How to Build a Ruby on Rails App using YugabyteDB and PostgreSQL

How to Build a Ruby on Rails App using YugabyteDB and PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is often the database of choice for Ruby on Rails developers, so the simple migration path to YugabyteDB makes it an ideal fit if you want to increase the availability and scalability of your applications. This blog demonstrates how to get up and running with Ruby on Rails backed by PostgreSQL, and how easily you can move your application to YugabyteDB.

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Exploring the New YugabyteDB Cost Based Optimizer

Exploring the New YugabyteDB Cost Based Optimizer

A key challenge in a distributed SQL database is achieving high throughput and consistency for both write and read operations. This blog explores the new YugabyteDB Cost Based Optimizer (CBO), an essential piece of the puzzle to achieve high throughput for read operations. It highlights the challenges we tackled while developing the CBO, and details how some of the most impactful aspects of YugabyteDB are modeled.

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Delivering Postgres Parallel Queries in YugabyteDB

Delivering Postgres Parallel Queries in YugabyteDB

Delivering query parallelism is a key step on our journey to narrow the performance gap between Postgres and YugabyteDB. This blog examines the Postgres Parallel Query feature supported and available in the latest version of YugabyteDB. Click to discover how query parallelism is implemented and functions in Postgres, and what we did to ensure the feature works in YugabyteDB.

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How to Implement Bitmap Scans on Distributed PostgreSQL

How to Implement Bitmap Scans on Distributed PostgreSQL

A key part of our effort to achieve full Postgres compatibility is providing support for bitmap scans (a scan type that combines multiple indexes). This blog deep dives into the high-level strategy of bitmap scans and examines how Postgres implements bitmap scans, how we adapted bitmap scans to work for YugabyteDB, and areas where YugabyteDB bitmap scans go beyond vanilla Postgres.

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