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Using YugabyteDB Geo-Partitioning to Ease Global Expansion & Achieve Regulatory Compliance

Using YugabyteDB Geo-Partitioning to Ease Global Expansion & Achieve Regulatory Compliance

Geo-partitioning with YugabyteDB (versus standing up separate PostgreSQL instances per region) is the ideal solution for use cases that require cross-region data access, faster time to market, and easy deployment management.
Read this blog to discover the pitfalls of standing up separate PostgreSQL instances per region and the advantages of using geo-partitioning in YugabyteDB.

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Multimodal Search with PostgreSQL pgvector

Multimodal Search with PostgreSQL pgvector

Large language models (LLMs) have evolved beyond generating text responses to interpreting text prompts. Discover how you can use a multimodal LLM to search your AI applications with PostgreSQL pgvector. This blog examines the architecture, database schema, and code required to build an application that searches recipes by both text and image.

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YugabyteDB Resiliency vs. PostgreSQL High Availability Solutions

YugabyteDB Resiliency vs. PostgreSQL High Availability Solutions

Database High Availability has traditionally been achieved through enhanced and automated disaster recovery solutions. Although these measures reduce the impact of failures, they still result in complete downtime for the application during the failover process. In this blog, we compare this approach with cloud-native solutions for high availability, focusing on resiliency built directly into the database.

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Introducing YugabyteDB Aeon

Introducing YugabyteDB Aeon

Having different names for our YugabyteDB DBaaS deployment options has led to some confusion. To make it clear that these are two deployment options of one core product we’ve unified the product name – YugabyteDB Aeon! In this blog, we share the benefits of YugabyteDB Aeon and detail how to choose the best deployment option for your use case.

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YugabyteDB Moves Beyond PostgreSQL 11

YugabyteDB Moves Beyond PostgreSQL 11

Discover why YugabyteDB is moving beyond PostgreSQL 11 and the challenges and solutions involved in upgrading to PostgreSQL 15 (and beyond). Learn how our engineering team is bringing the most popular PostgreSQL features to YugabyteDB, to deliver a reliable, scalable, highly available, and secure distributed SQL database.

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Simplify The Lift and Shift of PostgreSQL Apps With Familiar Read Committed Behavior

Simplify The Lift and Shift of PostgreSQL Apps With Familiar Read Committed Behavior

YugabyteDB 2.19.2 introduces full support for Read Committed Isolation with Wait-On-Conflict, essential for PostgreSQL users looking to seamlessly lift-and-shift applications to a distributed environment. This feature ensures parity with PostgreSQL while leveraging the scale and resilience of YugabyteDB, simplifying the transition for users.

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