Row-level geo-partitioning

How my Wish to Contribute to Open Source Lead me To Join Yugabyte

How my Wish to Contribute to Open Source Lead me To Join Yugabyte

Databases are omnipresent

Back in 2016 I started at Nutanix, fresh after finishing my graduate studies. This was barely a couple of weeks after two of Nutanix’s employees, Karthik and Kannan, left to start Yugabyte with Mikhail Bautin. They were still the subject of a few watercooler chats at Nutanix, mainly because of their bold decision to enter the database market, one that is definitely not known for being easy.

It became apparent to me why databases are hard.

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Geo-Partitioning of Data in YugabyteDB

Geo-Partitioning of Data in YugabyteDB

Achieve high performance and regulatory compliance for global apps

We are excited to announce the availability of row-level geo-partitioning in YugabyteDB, a feature heavily requested by our user community and enterprise customers alike. This feature allows fine-grained control over pinning data in a user table (at a per-row level) to geographic locations, thereby allowing the data residency to be managed at the database level.

Making the nodes of a multi-region database cluster aware of the location characteristics of the data they store allows conforming to regulatory compliance requirements such as GDPR by keeping the appropriate subset of data local to different regions,

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