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Service Mesh

Using Linkerd with YugabyteDB

Using Linkerd with YugabyteDB

This blog post is written by guest author Bhavin Gandhi, Software Engineer at InfraCloud Technologies, Inc., in collaboration with the teams at Buoyant, the creator of Linkerd, and Yugabyte.

As more organizations turn to microservices architectures for their applications, Kubernetes naturally emerges as a perfect complement to those applications. But for application developers, building on Kubernetes can introduce complex problems to solve at the application layer. This is where service meshes like Linkerd come to the rescue and provide essential features like reliability,

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Envoy and Service Meshes for Databases: What the Future Holds

Envoy and Service Meshes for Databases: What the Future Holds

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Christoph Pakulski, software engineer at Tetrate, and Prasad Radhakrishnan, VP of data engineering at Yugabyte presented the talk “Envoy and Service Meshes for Databases: What the Future Holds”. In the talk, they explored the topics of Envoy, service meshes–specifically Istio, and how they intersect with the database world. Christoph explained the Envoy PostgreSQL network filter extension released earlier in the year,

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Service Mesh Era: Building Modern Apps with YugabyteDB and Istio

Service Mesh Era: Building Modern Apps with YugabyteDB and Istio

Microservices architectures are becoming the de facto way developers are thinking about how their applications are constructed. But security remains a top concern for many organizations. Given the general trends of the proliferation of threats within the production network and the increased points of privileged access, it is increasingly necessary to adopt a zero-trust network security approach for microservices architectures.

One of the most common security approaches is to set up mTLS.

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