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Blogs by: Franck Pachot

Multi-Cloud Distributed SQL: Avoiding Region Failure with YugabyteDB

Multi-Cloud Distributed SQL: Avoiding Region Failure with YugabyteDB

As Amazon CTO Werner Vogels often reminds us: ”Everything fails, all the time”. This means any component of the infrastructure will fail at some point. However, with more and more software being deployed in the cloud, today’s infrastructure must provide redundancy. In addition, the applications that sit on top of it must provide continuity over failures.

This involves database replication when the failure concerns data in motion. But there are different levels of failures and different protection technologies.

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Distributed SQL: Sharding and Partitioning in YugabyteDB

Distributed SQL: Sharding and Partitioning in YugabyteDB

A distributed SQL database provides a service where you can query the global database without knowing where the rows are. You connect to any node, without having to know the cluster topology. You query your tables, and the database will determine the best access to your data, whether it’s close to your client or geographically distant.

The organization of data, whether co-located or partitioned, is the most important consideration for high performance,

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How a Distributed SQL Database Boosts Secondary Index Queries with Index Only Scan

How a Distributed SQL Database Boosts Secondary Index Queries with Index Only Scan

A distributed SQL database reads from remote nodes, which increases the need for optimal data access. From my 20 years of experience as a database consultant, here is the most overlooked optimization technique for any database that supports it: performance-critical queries should find their columns from the index structure, without making extra hops to the table.

Many myths against SQL, such as “joins don’t scale” or “analytic queries need a separate column store”,

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YugabyteDB on OKE (Oracle Cloud Kubernetes)

YugabyteDB on OKE (Oracle Cloud Kubernetes)

We have documented how to install YugabyteDB on the main cloud providers ( And when I joined Yugabyte, many friends from the oracle community asked me about the Oracle Cloud (OCI).

In the Oracle Cloud there are 2 ways to run containers:

  • Do-It-Yourself with IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
    Obviously, you can provision some compute instances (and network and storage) running Docker and install Kubernetes (or other orchestration).

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Connecting to YugabyteDB with Arctype, a Collaborative SQL Client

Connecting to YugabyteDB with Arctype, a Collaborative SQL Client

YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible. It uses the same protocol and SQL layer as PostgreSQL. This makes YugabyteDB compatible with a majority of database tools, because PostgreSQL is the most popular open source database on the planet. Here is an example with Arctype, a user-friendly collaborative SQL client to query and visualize data.

Setting up a database connection

1. I went to and downloaded the client for Windows.


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