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People and Potential: Why I Joined Yugabyte

People and Potential: Why I Joined Yugabyte

When I first started my graduate studies in databases in 2012, I remember reading a freshly-minted paper that was making big waves in the DB community: Spanner: Google’s Globally-Distributed Database. I remember being blown away by the scale of the problems being tackled. Synchronizing a globally-distributed database while maintaining a usable transaction latency seemed an impossible task, one that comes with challenges that only exist on the global scale. As a naive grad student,

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – May 2021

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – May 2021

We started off 2021 strong with exciting announcements, including:

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How my Wish to Contribute to Open Source Lead me To Join Yugabyte

How my Wish to Contribute to Open Source Lead me To Join Yugabyte

Databases are omnipresent

Back in 2016 I started at Nutanix, fresh after finishing my graduate studies. This was barely a couple of weeks after two of Nutanix’s employees, Karthik and Kannan, left to start Yugabyte with Mikhail Bautin. They were still the subject of a few watercooler chats at Nutanix, mainly because of their bold decision to enter the database market, one that is definitely not known for being easy.

It became apparent to me why databases are hard.

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YugabyteDB: Reimagining the RDBMS for the Cloud

YugabyteDB: Reimagining the RDBMS for the Cloud

Perspectives from 5 years of building a cloud native database

YugabyteDB just turned 5 years old, and I cannot help but reminisce about our journey in building this database over the last half-decade. I vividly remember the genesis of the YugabyteDB project, which started with Kannan, Mikhail, and myself meeting for lunch at a restaurant to discuss the future of cloud native databases. After iterating on the idea over a number of such discussions,

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The Planned 2021 YugabyteDB Roadmap

The Planned 2021 YugabyteDB Roadmap

Our mission at Yugabyte is to build the default distributed SQL database for cloud native applications in a multi cloud world. We recently announced the general availability of Yugabyte 2.5, which brought new features like Geo-Partitioning and Enterprise-Grade security features in addition to major enhancements in multi-region deployments and performance – while also improving on high availability, horizontal scalability, and ease of managing the database. The Yugabyte team is currently working on even more exciting features,

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What’s New in YugabyteDB Docs – December 2020

What’s New in YugabyteDB Docs – December 2020

Welcome to this latest post on what’s new and improved in YugabyteDB Docs! We’re continually adding to and updating the documentation to give you the information you need to make the most out of YugabyteDB.

As a reminder, YugabyteDB provides two distributed SQL APIs:

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

We just released YugabyteDB 2.5, and open source software like this doesn’t happen without an awesome open source community backing it. As the year draws to a close, we’d like to take the opportunity to call out some YugabyteDB community highlights from 2020.

Our commitment to open source

First, it is worth restating that YugabyteDB doesn’t pay lip service to open source like other database projects. We don’t trick you into downloading software that has time-bombed enterprise features that you can “try,” but ultimately have to “buy”.

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My Time as a Yugabyte Software Engineering Intern

My Time as a Yugabyte Software Engineering Intern

February – A Unique Introduction

It was late February, and I had spent the past several weeks learning everything I could about the distributed database ecosystem. As an intern on the Investment Team at 8VC, I had gotten the chance to work on technical due diligence under Partner & CTO Bhaskar Ghosh, taking a multitude of pitches every week and constantly shifting contexts. One of those companies speaking with us was Yugabyte,

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Staying Connected During COVID-19: Join Us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020

Staying Connected During COVID-19: Join Us at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020

We are excited to sponsor KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 and participate alongside other open source and cloud native communities coming together to drive cloud native computing forward. Although many people across the world remain physically distanced (us included), we believe that coming together as a community and maintaining a sense of connection are still very essential and important. That’s why we are happy to take part in the virtual KubeCon + CloudNativeCon event taking place August 17-20,

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