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Data Sharding

Advanced PostgreSQL Partitioning by Date with YugabyteDB Auto Sharding

Advanced PostgreSQL Partitioning by Date with YugabyteDB Auto Sharding

YugabyteDB’s automatic sharding overcomes PostgreSQL’s partition key limitations by allowing date range queries without modifying table partitioning. Thanks to its global secondary indexes, which don’t require a shared sharding key, YugabyteDB enhances performance by distributing rows across multiple servers. Discover the full advantages and see step-by-step instructions in our latest blog post.

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Distributed SQL: Sharding and Partitioning in YugabyteDB

Distributed SQL: Sharding and Partitioning in YugabyteDB

A distributed SQL database provides a service where you can query the global database without knowing where the rows are. You connect to any node, without having to know the cluster topology. You query your tables, and the database will determine the best access to your data, whether it’s close to your client or geographically distant.

The organization of data, whether co-located or partitioned, is the most important consideration for high performance,

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