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Data Sharding

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – Feb 21, 2020

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – Feb 21, 2020

Welcome to this week’s tips and tricks blog where we recap some distributed SQL questions from around the Internet. We’ll also review upcoming events, new documentation, and blogs that have been published since the last post. Got questions? Make sure to ask them on our YugabyteDB Slack channel, Forum, GitHub, or Stackoverflow. Ok, let’s dive right in:

When should I use JSON vs JSONB data types?

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Four Data Sharding Strategies We Analyzed in Building a Distributed SQL Database

Four Data Sharding Strategies We Analyzed in Building a Distributed SQL Database

A distributed SQL database needs to automatically partition the data in a table and distribute it across nodes. This is known as data sharding and it can be achieved through different strategies, each with its own tradeoffs. In this post, we will examine various data sharding strategies for a distributed SQL database, analyze the tradeoffs, explain the rationale for which of these strategies YugabyteDB supports and what we picked as the default sharding strategy.

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How Plume Handled Billions of Operations Per Day Despite an AWS Zone Outage

How Plume Handled Billions of Operations Per Day Despite an AWS Zone Outage

Enterprises deploy YugabyteDB clusters across multiple availability zones (AZs) in order to ensure continuous availability of their business-critical services even when faced with cloud infrastructure failures like zone outages. On November 12, 2019, there was one such outage of an entire availability zone in the eu-central-1 region of AWS. This was reported on the AWS status page on that day, along with an official update.

In this post, we are going to look at how a Yugabyte customer,

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How Data Sharding Works in a Distributed SQL Database

How Data Sharding Works in a Distributed SQL Database

Enterprises of all sizes are embracing rapid modernization of user-facing applications as part of their broader digital transformation strategy. The relational database (RDBMS) infrastructure that such applications rely on suddenly needs to support much larger data sizes and transaction volumes. However, a monolithic RDBMS tends to quickly get overloaded in such scenarios. One of the most common architectural patterns used to scale an RDBMS is to “shard” the data. In this blog, we will learn what data sharding is and how it can be used to scale a SQL database.

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