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YugaByte Database Engineering Update – Nov 27, 2018

YugaByte Database Engineering Update – Nov 27, 2018

Lots has happened since our last engineering update about 3 months ago. Below are some of the highlights.

PostgreSQL API Updates & PostgresConf Silicon Valley Wrap-Up

We have made a lot of progress on YSQL, the PostgreSQL compatible distributed SQL API for YugabyteDB! You can also read about YSQL architecture which covers how distributed SQL is implemented in YugabyteDB.

We were at the first ever PostgresConf Silicon Valley in October 2018.

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YugabyteDB 1.1 New Feature: Document Data Modeling with the JSON Data Type

YugabyteDB 1.1 New Feature: Document Data Modeling with the JSON Data Type

Welcome to another post in our ongoing series that highlights new features from the latest 1.1 release announced last week. Today we are going to look at document data modeling using the native JSON data type available in YugabyteDB’s Cassandra compatible YCQL API. Note that this data type is specific to YugabyteDB and is not part of the standard Cassandra Query Language (CQL).

With YugabyteDB’s native JSON support,

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YugabyteDB 1.1 New Feature: Speeding Up Queries with Secondary Indexes

YugabyteDB 1.1 New Feature: Speeding Up Queries with Secondary Indexes

Welcome to another post from our ongoing series where we highlight a new feature from the latest 1.1 release! Today we are going to look at secondary indexes.

Defining Secondary Indexes

A database index is a data structure that improves the speed of data retrieval operations on a database table. Typically, databases are very efficient at looking up data by the primary key. A secondary index can be created using one or more columns of a database table,

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Ravi Murthy: Starting a New Chapter with YugaByte

Ravi Murthy: Starting a New Chapter with YugaByte

In case you missed the announcement, Ravi Murthy has joined YugaByte as our VP of Engineering. Read on to learn more about his experiences leading the teams who managed the explosive growth of applications and data at Facebook, plus what’s next at YugaByte!

After almost 7 years at Facebook, I am super-excited to start in my new role as YugaByte’s VP of Engineering. This post provides a brief history of my career through the years,

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YugabyteDB 1.0 — A Peek Under The Hood

YugabyteDB 1.0 — A Peek Under The Hood

Modern user-facing apps, like E-Commerce and SaaS, frequently require features from multiple databases (broadly — SQL, NoSQL and a cache) to support their multi-workload needs. App developers are responsible for understanding and managing which pieces of data should be stored in which SQL and NoSQL database. Furthermore, the app is also responsible for moving data across the tiers (e.g. populating the cache on reads and invalidating it on writes). This greatly increases development and operational complexity,

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