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Why are NoSQL Databases Becoming Transactional?

Why are NoSQL Databases Becoming Transactional?

The SQL vs. NoSQL database split emerged in 2006-2007, but NoSQL’s compromises led developers to continue using SQL/RDBMS for critical workloads. However, recent changes in the NoSQL world have seen the adoption of ACID transactions, which were previously absent, and this post aims to inform architects of these changes and why they are happening now.

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Are MongoDB’s ACID Transactions Ready for High-Performance Applications?

Are MongoDB’s ACID Transactions Ready for High-Performance Applications?

MongoDB’s “schemaless” JSON data modeling was initially attractive to web app developers looking to escape the constraints of traditional relational databases, but issues with data durability and ACID transactions have been a consistent challenge. While the recent MongoDB 4.0 release includes multi-document transaction support, this post explores where the platform falls short for transactional, high performance apps.

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