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Blogs by: Jimmy Guerrero

The Planned 2021 YugabyteDB Roadmap

The Planned 2021 YugabyteDB Roadmap

Our mission at Yugabyte is to build the default distributed SQL database for cloud native applications in a multi cloud world. We recently announced the general availability of Yugabyte 2.5, which brought new features like Geo-Partitioning and Enterprise-Grade security features in addition to major enhancements in multi-region deployments and performance – while also improving on high availability, horizontal scalability, and ease of managing the database. The Yugabyte team is currently working on even more exciting features,

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A Migration Journey from Amazon DynamoDB to YugabyteDB and Hasura

A Migration Journey from Amazon DynamoDB to YugabyteDB and Hasura

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Tobias Meixner – CTO & Co-Founder at BRIKL, presented the talk, “A Migration Journey from Amazon DynamoDB to YugabyteDB and Hasura.”

Switching databases is painful, even more so when going from NoSQL to SQL. In this talk Tobias gave us insights into BRIKL’s two key elements of their migration path. First, migrating from Apollo Server and Amazon DynamoDB over to Hasura and YugabyteDB.

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Justuno’s Database Journey from Ground to Cloud

Justuno’s Database Journey from Ground to Cloud

At a recent Distributed SQL Summit, Travis Logan – CTO & Co-Founder at Justuno, presented the talk, “Evolve: A Database Journey from Ground to Cloud.”

With over 14 years of experience with Microsoft SQL Server, Travis is well-versed in the evolution of transactional databases. In this talk he summarizes his experiences with traditional RDBMS while trying to improve their redundancy, scaling characteristics, and performance.

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: How Admiral Scales Globally and Achieves Single Digit Latency

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: How Admiral Scales Globally and Achieves Single Digit Latency

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, James Hartig – Co-Founder at Admiral, presented the talk “How Admiral Scales Globally with YugabyteDB on Google Cloud While Maintaining Single-Digit Latency.”

Admiral’s Go application runs in Google Cloud across 5 regions in 3 continents. This geo-distributed architecture is powered by a single YugabyteDB cluster that delivers an average global read latency of 3ms! In this talk,

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

We just released YugabyteDB 2.5, and open source software like this doesn’t happen without an awesome open source community backing it. As the year draws to a close, we’d like to take the opportunity to call out some YugabyteDB community highlights from 2020.

Our commitment to open source

First, it is worth restating that YugabyteDB doesn’t pay lip service to open source like other database projects. We don’t trick you into downloading software that has time-bombed enterprise features that you can “try,” but ultimately have to “buy”.

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YugabyteDB Community Fundamentals Training and Certification Recap

YugabyteDB Community Fundamentals Training and Certification Recap

We recently held our first ever free “YugabyteDB Fundamentals” community training and certification class. A special thanks to Karen Tamrazyan and all 6000+ the members of the Cloud Study Network for hosting us! If you weren’t able to make it, here’s what you missed…

Course Content

Over the span of 90 minutes we covered the following topics in depth:

  • Distributed SQL terms, definitions, and comparisons
  • YugabyteDB architecture and design principles
  • YSQL API development
  • Course review and exam prep

We also worked through a variety of hands-on exercises including:

  • Single and multi-node cluster installs on Mac,

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Pinterest’s Exploration of Distributed SQL

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Pinterest’s Exploration of Distributed SQL

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Lianghong Xu – Engineering Manager & Tech Lead, Pinterest – presented the talk “Pinterest’s Exploration of Distributed SQL”. In the talk he covered the evolution of storage at Pinterest, the role that the HBase ecosystem plays within the company, current challenges and opportunities for innovation, and finally, their exploration of Distributed SQL as a viable solution to some of these challenges.

The Storage Evolution at Pinterest

In 2012,

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mainframe Modernization

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mainframe Modernization

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Brenesh Stanslas Flower Mary – Senior Architect, Wipro Digital, presented the talk “Monolith to Microservices.” In the talk he demonstrated how it is possible to take a large, intertwined mainframe monolith and break it down into microservices using a practical approach. The end-to-end approach he demonstrated made use of Wipro’s “moderniZ” platform which addresses the modernization (or transformation) of UIs, data, and services.

Challenges with Mainframes Today

Brenesh pointed out that although many organizations are well down the path of moving new (and some legacy applications) to the cloud or cloud-native technologies so they can take advantage of the cost savings,

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