
PostgreSQL Timestamps and Timezones: How to Navigate the Interval Minefield

PostgreSQL Timestamps and Timezones: How to Navigate the Interval Minefield

In the second part of this blog series on PostgreSQL and YSQL date-time data types, the focus shifts to representing durations, or how long things last. Assuming the reader has read the first part and downloaded the companion code kit, this post explores the relevant data types, including interval, timestamp difference, and other related functions.

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YugabyteDB Integrates with Arctype SQL Client

YugabyteDB Integrates with Arctype SQL Client

PostgreSQL has eaten the world. And so Yugabyte set out to build the most Postgres-compatible, scalable, and resilient database. YugabyteDB is not only wire compatible with PostgreSQL, it is code compatible by reusing the upper half of PostgreSQL. Thanks to this compatibility, YugabyteDB can connect to the vast majority of database tools that integrate with Postgres.

In a previous blog post, Yugabyte Developer Advocate Franck Pachot showed how to connect YugabyteDB in Arctype.

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YugabyteDB Savepoints: Checkpointing Work in Distributed Transactions

YugabyteDB Savepoints: Checkpointing Work in Distributed Transactions

Yugabyte brings best-in-class performance, scalability, and availability to YugabyteDB, a fully PostgreSQL-compatible SQL database. Because YugabyteDB’s architecture uses PostgreSQL at the SQL layer, we get a long-tail of PostgreSQL compatibility for free. But implementing savepoints requires deeper integration into YugabyteDB’s distributed persistence and transaction layers.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why you should care about savepoints. We’ll also examine how we built savepoints into YugabyteDB’s distributed transaction layer,

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Using GIN Indexes in YugabyteDB

Using GIN Indexes in YugabyteDB

At Yugabyte, we are committed to complete PostgreSQL compatibility. Similar to PostgreSQL, YugabyteDB supports the following three container column types. These three data types are extremely useful in various cases:

  • jsonb – Makes it useful for schema-less data use cases
  • tsvector – Supports full text search through a sorted list of distinct lexemes
  • array – Gives the flexibility to store a large composite variable-length value in a single field

Each data type’s utility is severely limited without an efficient way to index them.

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Connecting to YugabyteDB with Arctype, a Collaborative SQL Client

Connecting to YugabyteDB with Arctype, a Collaborative SQL Client

YugabyteDB is PostgreSQL compatible. It uses the same protocol and SQL layer as PostgreSQL. This makes YugabyteDB compatible with a majority of database tools, because PostgreSQL is the most popular open source database on the planet. Here is an example with Arctype, a user-friendly collaborative SQL client to query and visualize data.

Setting up a database connection

1. I went to and downloaded the client for Windows.


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Using the PostgreSQL Recursive CTE – Part Two

Using the PostgreSQL Recursive CTE – Part Two

Computing Bacon Numbers for actors listed in the IMDb

YugabyteDB is an open source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on a scalable and fault-tolerant design inspired by Google Spanner. YugabyteDB uses its own special distributed document store called DocDB. But it provides SQL and stored procedure functionality by re-using the “upper half” of the standard PostgreSQL source code. This is explained in the two part blog post “Distributed PostgreSQL on a Google Spanner Architecture”: (1) Storage Layer;

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Using the PostgreSQL Recursive CTE – Part One

Using the PostgreSQL Recursive CTE – Part One

Traversing an employee hierarchy

YugabyteDB is an open source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on a scalable and fault-tolerant design inspired by Google Spanner. YugabyteDB uses its own special distributed document store called DocDB. But it provides SQL and stored procedure functionality by re-using the “upper half” of the standard PostgreSQL source code. This is explained in the two part blog post “Distributed PostgreSQL on a Google Spanner Architecture”: (1) Storage Layer;

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