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How Does YugabyteDB’s Two-Layer Architecture Work?

How Does YugabyteDB’s Two-Layer Architecture Work?

YugabyteDB is a 100% open source, distributed SQL database system. This single phrase expresses two distinct notions: a SQL database system, and a distributed database system. Historically, these notions were mutually exclusive. But current technology allows a single system to implement both notions. YugabyteDB does this with its two-layer architecture: an extensible query processing layer and a distributed document store.

In this blog post,

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PostgreSQL Timestamps and Timezones: How to Navigate the Interval Minefield

PostgreSQL Timestamps and Timezones: How to Navigate the Interval Minefield

In the second part of this blog series on PostgreSQL and YSQL date-time data types, the focus shifts to representing durations, or how long things last. Assuming the reader has read the first part and downloaded the companion code kit, this post explores the relevant data types, including interval, timestamp difference, and other related functions.

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YugabyteDB Integrates with Arctype SQL Client

YugabyteDB Integrates with Arctype SQL Client

PostgreSQL has eaten the world. And so Yugabyte set out to build the most Postgres-compatible, scalable, and resilient database. YugabyteDB is not only wire compatible with PostgreSQL, it is code compatible by reusing the upper half of PostgreSQL. Thanks to this compatibility, YugabyteDB can connect to the vast majority of database tools that integrate with Postgres.

In a previous blog post, Yugabyte Developer Advocate Franck Pachot showed how to connect YugabyteDB in Arctype.

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Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – December 16th, 2021

Distributed SQL Tips and Tricks – December 16th, 2021

Welcome back to our tips and tricks blog series! I have the distinct pleasure of recapping distributed SQL questions from around the Internet for the month of December.

This ongoing series would not be possible without Dorian Hoxha, Franck Pachot, and  Frits Hoogland. We also thank our incredible user community for their work with the technology.

Do you have any questions?

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