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TPC-C Benchmark: 10,000 Warehouses on YugabyteDB

TPC-C Benchmark: 10,000 Warehouses on YugabyteDB

We are excited to announce that the TPC-C benchmark implementation for YugabyteDB is now open source and ready to use! While this implementation is not officially ratified by the TPC organization, it closely follows the TPC-C v5.11.0 specification.

For those new to TPC-C, the aim of the benchmark is to test how a database performs when handling transactions generated by a real-world OLTP application. This blog post shows the results of running the TPC-C benchmark in addition to outlining our experience of developing and running a TPC-C benchmark against YugabyteDB.

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.2 – Distributed SQL Made Easy

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.2 – Distributed SQL Made Easy

We are excited to announce the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.2! The highlight of this release is that YugabyteDB now supports fully-transactional distributed backups thus making mission-critical distributed SQL deployments operationally simple, even for the most demanding enterprise environments. This release also includes critical new features such as online index builds, colocated tables, and deferred constraints. The end result is that YugabyteDB continues to make distributed SQL easy. For those of you who are new to distributed SQL,

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Follow-up: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB Webinar

Follow-up: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB Webinar

Earlier this week, Yugabyte CTO Karthik Ranganathan presented the live webinar: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB, with a spotlight on comparing PostgreSQL features, architecture, and the latest performance benchmarks between the two databases. We were delighted to see such interest in the topic, dive deeper into some of the topics we raised in parts 1 and parts 2 of the blog series, Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, and answer questions from the audience.

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Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance – Testing YugabyteDB’s Compatibility

Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance – Testing YugabyteDB’s Compatibility

This post explores the compatibility of YugabyteDB with Oracle and PostgreSQL by examining 15 different Oracle features and their PostgreSQL equivalents highlighted in Roland Takacs’ blog post “Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance.” As a PostgreSQL-compatible distributed SQL database, YugabyteDB offers a broad range of SQL features, making it an interesting choice for those looking to migrate from Oracle to a modern tech stack.

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Boosting Performance for Small Distributed SQL Data Sets with Colocated Tables

Boosting Performance for Small Distributed SQL Data Sets with Colocated Tables

In YugabyteDB v2.1, we released a new feature in beta: colocated tables. And we were excited to announce the general availability of colocated tables, along with many other exciting new features, in YugabyteDB 2.2. In this post, we’ll explain what colocated tables are in a distributed SQL database, why you would need them, and how to get started.

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Getting Started with YugabyteDB on Azure Kubernetes Service

Getting Started with YugabyteDB on Azure Kubernetes Service

Microsoft’s Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) offers a highly available, secure, and fully managed Kubernetes service for developers looking to host their applications on containers in the cloud. AKS features elastic provisioning, an integrated developer experience for rapid application development, enterprise security features, and the most available regions of any cloud provider.

YugabyteDB is a natural fit for AKS because it was designed to support cloud native environments since its initial design.

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – May 6, 2020

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – May 6, 2020

YugabyteDB Release Updates

We are excited to announce that YugabyteDB 2.1.5 is GA! The 2.1.5 release shipped with over 40 new enhancements and fixes. Also, yesterday we hit a milestone that we are very proud of–we welcomed our 1000th member to the YugabyteDB community Slack channel! Congrats to Rob Sami for being the 1000th member, and thank you to the entire YugabyteDB community for your contributions and support along the way.

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – April 13, 2020

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – April 13, 2020

We are excited to announce that YugabyteDB 2.1.3 is GA! You can read the official release notes here. This release shipped with over 60 new enhancements and fixes.

The Yugabyte team has been working from home in order to do our part with social distancing and to help with containment efforts. We have also transitioned to online meetings with our customers, partners, candidates, community, and fellow Yugabeings. We will continue with these and other measures until it’s determined to be safe otherwise.

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – March 17, 2020

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – March 17, 2020

We are excited to announce that YugabyteDB 2.1.2 is GA! You can read the official release notes here. This release shipped with over 30 new enhancements and fixes.

Before we dive in, we wanted to let you know that the Yugabyte team has been working from home in order to do our part with social distancing and to help with containment efforts. We have also transitioned to online meetings with our customers,

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Feb 28, 2020

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Feb 28, 2020

We are excited to announce that YugabyteDB 2.1 went GA earlier this week! You can read the official release notes here. This release shipped with almost 70 new enhancements and fixes.

What’s YugabyteDB? It is an open source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on a scalable and fault-tolerant design inspired by Google Spanner. Yugabyte’s SQL API (YSQL) is PostgreSQL wire compatible.

Highlights of this release include:

Generally Available Features


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