The Distributed SQL Blog

Announcing the Rook Operator for YugabyteDB

Announcing the Rook Operator for YugabyteDB

We are excited to congratulate the Rook community on the release on 1.1! We are also pleased to announce that the Rook operator for YugabyteDB is now available from and also on Github. This release extends the Rook storage operator as a custom resource, as well as provides an additional way to easily create, natively view and manage YugabyteDB within a Kubernetes cluster. In this blog we’ll summarize how to get started with the operator.

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Best Practices and Recommendations for Distributed SQL on Kubernetes

Best Practices and Recommendations for Distributed SQL on Kubernetes

YugabyteDB and Kubernetes have very complementary design principles because they both rely on an extensible and flexible API layer, as well as a scale-out architecture for performance and availability. In this blog post we’ll look at best practices and recommendations when choosing Kubernetes as the cluster foundation for a distributed SQL system. This will begin with a review of relevant architectural decisions of the YugabyteDB. Then we’ll walk you through how to handle the provisioning,

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Getting Started with TablePlus on a Distributed SQL Database

Getting Started with TablePlus on a Distributed SQL Database

If you’re a database developer, you already understand the importance of a tool to manage your databases. Whether it is for creating schemas, ad-hoc querying, backups, or diving deeper to troubleshoot a database issue, a database tool can make your life much easier and increase your productivity. In a previous posts we covered how to get started with DBeaver, PGAdmin, and SQL Workbench/J. in this post we’ll show you how to get up and running with YugabyteDB and TablePlus.

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Andrew Nelson: Why I Joined Yugabyte as a Developer Advocate

Andrew Nelson: Why I Joined Yugabyte as a Developer Advocate

I recently joined Yugabyte as a Developer Advocate focused on Kubernetes. I will focus on the usability and extensibility of YugabyteDB as a data platform within the Kubernetes and public cloud ecosystem. However, in broader terms, I will be able to leverage YugabyteDB as a cloud-native database that can easily deployed in multi-cloud environments. There are a few things I am looking forward to in my new role:

  • Working for another fast-growing startup
  • Being able to leverage my skills in Kubernetes
  • Learning more about a next-generation database at the ground floor
  • Working for an open-source company

Early Years

When I was graduating from college with a degree in Software Engineering,

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Low Latency Reads in Geo-Distributed SQL with Raft Leader Leases

Low Latency Reads in Geo-Distributed SQL with Raft Leader Leases

Note: This post contains interactive animations that explain how some of these complex algorithms work. Please view this post in a suitable media (at least 1000px by 600px screen resolution) for best results.

In this blog post, we are going to dive deep into the read performance of Raft – why read performance can take a hit and how it can be improved using leader leases. Additionally, we will also look at how to make the correctness guarantees around leader leases stronger.

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