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The Distributed SQL Blog

My Experience as a YugabyteDB Engineering Intern

My Experience as a YugabyteDB Engineering Intern

I recently finished my winter 2019 term as a software engineering intern at YugaByte and it was a fantastic experience! I found the opportunity through their posting on the University of Waterloo internal job board and it was also the first time I had heard of YugabyteDB. I had previously completed two other internships at much larger companies and I was a little skeptical of startups. The fact that a friend’s internship at a startup had ended halfway due to the startup folding did not help allay my concerns.

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5 Reasons Why Apache Kafka Needs a Distributed SQL Database

5 Reasons Why Apache Kafka Needs a Distributed SQL Database

Modern enterprise applications must be super-elastic, adaptable, and running 24/7. However, traditional request-driven architectures entail a tight coupling of applications. For example, App 1 asks for some information from App 2 and waits. App 2 then sends the requested information to App 1. This sort of app-to-app coupling hinders development agility and blocks rapid scaling.

In event-driven architectures, applications publish events to a message broker asynchronously. They trust the broker to route the message to the right application,

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Achieving Fast Failovers After Network Partitions in a Distributed SQL Database

Achieving Fast Failovers After Network Partitions in a Distributed SQL Database

In February of this year, Kyle Kingsbury of was conducting formal testing of YugabyteDB for correctness under extreme and unorthodox conditions. Obviously, simulating all manner of network partitions is part of his testing methodology. As a result, during his testing he spotted the fact that although nodes would reliably come back after a failure, the recovery itself was taking roughly 25 seconds to occur. We certainly didn’t like the sound of that!

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YugabyteDB 2.0: A Distributed SQL Roadmap

YugabyteDB 2.0: A Distributed SQL Roadmap

The YugabyteDB community is eagerly looking forward to v2.0, the next major release expected in Summer 2019. Needless to say, we are very excited about the depth and breadth of features in this release. Here’s an overview of the various areas we expect the new release to cover.

Distributed SQL

YSQL is YugabyteDB’s PostgreSQL wire-compatible distributed SQL API. Thanks to our design decision to use the existing PostgreSQL query layer as a starting point,

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Why I Moved from Oracle to YugaByte

Why I Moved from Oracle to YugaByte

I’m thrilled at the prospect of what lies ahead of me in my new job at YugaByte. I’ve just started in the role of Developer Advocate for YugabyteDB. This is an open source, cloud native, distributed SQL database—in other words, a database for the modern world. There’s an excellent brief description here.

I made this move a couple of weeks ago after almost thirty years at Oracle. I started with Oracle in the UK,

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Wrapping Up: Jepsen Test Results for YugabyteDB 1.2 Webinar

Wrapping Up: Jepsen Test Results for YugabyteDB 1.2 Webinar

If you missed the April 30 webinar with Kyle Kingsbury, the creator of Jepsen and Karthik Ranganathan, CTO at YugaByte, you can check out the playback here and download the slides here.

Kyle did a great deep-dive into his testing approach, research methodology and what he found when applied to YugabyteDB. If you are looking for an unvarnished and honest assessment of YugabyteDB’s consistency and transactional claims,

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Why Distributed SQL Beats Polyglot Persistence for Building Microservices?

Why Distributed SQL Beats Polyglot Persistence for Building Microservices?

Today’s microservices rely on data with different models and read/write access patterns. Polyglot persistence, first introduced in 2008, states that each such data model should be powered by an independent database that is purpose-built for that model. This post highlights the loss of agility that microservices development and operations suffer when adopting polyglot persistence. We review how distributed SQL serves as an alternative approach that doesn’t compromise this agility.

E-Commerce Example

Polyglot Persistence in Action at an E-Commerce App (Source: Martin Fowler)

Breaking down monolithic applications into smaller,

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6 Technical Challenges Developing a Distributed SQL Database

6 Technical Challenges Developing a Distributed SQL Database

You can join the discussion on HackerNews here.

We crossed the three year mark of developing the YugabyteDB database in February of 2019. It has been a thrilling journey thus far, but not without its fair share of technical challenges. There were times when we had to go back to the drawing board and even sift through academic research to find a better solution than what we had at hand.

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Distributed SQL on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with YugabyteDB’s Helm Chart

Distributed SQL on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) with YugabyteDB’s Helm Chart

The glory days of the heavy-weight hypervisor are slowly fading away, and in the last few years, containerization of applications and services is the new reality. With containerization, enterprises can prototype, deploy, and meet scale demands more quickly. To systematically and efficiently manage these large-scale deployments, enterprises have bet on technologies like Kubernetes (aka k8s), a powerful container orchestrator, to get the job done. Kubernetes was originally developed by Google, but it has been open sourced since 2014 and is today developed by a large community of contributors.

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