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Yugabyte Engineering: Why I Decided to Join a Fast-Growing Startup

Yugabyte Engineering: Why I Decided to Join a Fast-Growing Startup

Hello. I’m Sahith, a Yugabyte engineering intern. I’m a 2022 Computer Science Engineer graduate from PES University in Bangalore who loves to solve problems with code. I also recently decided to join Yugabyte in a full-time engineering role. And lucky for me, this turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.

However, before joining the company full time, I wanted to share some takeaways from my internship experience.

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My Yugabyte Journey: From Intern to Full-Time Software Engineer

My Yugabyte Journey: From Intern to Full-Time Software Engineer

Hello. My name is Tim Elgersma, and I’m a software engineering intern on the YSQL team at Yugabyte. I have one semester left in my bachelor of Computer Science program at the University of Waterloo. In this blog post, I’d like to talk about my experience interning here over the past several months, and why I’m excited to join the company full time upon graduation.

Adding tablespaces to tablegroups

My onboarding at Yugabyte went pretty smoothly.

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My Yugabyte Journey into Distributed SQL Databases

My Yugabyte Journey into Distributed SQL Databases

This post was written by Nim Wijetunga, a Yugabyte intern during fall 2021. Nim’s currently a software engineering student at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

My journey into distributed databases began in early 2021. I was an intern at Snowflake and was part of the core FoundationDB (FDB) team. FDB is an open source distributed key-value store. Snowflake and Apple are currently the largest contributors (and maintainers) of FDB.

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Why Yugabyte is a Great Choice for Growing Your Engineering Career

Why Yugabyte is a Great Choice for Growing Your Engineering Career

Hello, my name is Akshat, and I joined Yugabyte on June 1, 2021. I’m a Software Engineer on the Yugabyte Cloud team. This is my first full-time job. In this blog post, I’d like to talk about my experience working here over the past six months and the amazing growth I’ve had since joining.

My experience at Yugabyte

I knew about Yugabyte before I joined the company. I was familiar with the product,

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How My Yugabyte Internship Changed Me For the Better

How My Yugabyte Internship Changed Me For the Better

Hello! My name is Harshitha, and I’ve been interning at Yugabyte as a software developer since July 2021. The last four months have transformed me from a confused and cynical college student to a curious and optimistic technology enthusiast and developer. It has been a continuous and exponential metamorphosis driven by the people and carefully curated—although seemingly effortless—culture at Yugabyte. In this post, I’d like to talk about my experience working here and the positive influence this company has had on my future.

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Yugabyte Raises $188 Million Series C to Make Distributed SQL Ubiquitous

Yugabyte Raises $188 Million Series C to Make Distributed SQL Ubiquitous

We are excited to announce that Yugabyte has closed $188 million in oversubscribed Series C funding. Sapphire Ventures led the round with participation from Alkeon Capital, Meritech Capital, and Wells Fargo Strategic Capital, as well as existing investors Lightspeed Venture Partners, 8VC, Dell Technologies Capital, Wipro Ventures, and others. This round comes seven months after our previous round in March 2021,

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