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Distributed SQL Summit

The Schedule Is Now Live for Distributed SQL Summit Asia!

The Schedule Is Now Live for Distributed SQL Summit Asia!

Last month, we officially announced the Distributed SQL Summit Asia virtual event, taking place Jan 20 – 22 in India Standard Time.

We have an amazing lineup of talks by industry-leading speakers from innovative companies including: Astronomer, Buoyant, CAST AI, Hasura, Infosys, InfraCloud,, Liquibase, Manetu, Virtusa, VMware, Weaveworks, Wipro, and Xignite.

You can find all the talks here on the schedule, and summarized below.

While current events are full of lowlights,

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mastercard’s Cloud Native Journey to Distributed Databases

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Mastercard’s Cloud Native Journey to Distributed Databases

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Ken Owens – Vice President, Cloud Native Engineering, Mastercard, presented the talk, “The Data Divide: An End User’s Cloud Native Journey to Distributed Databases.”

Because Ken has been working at the intersection of technology and financial services for more than 20 years, he brings a unique perspective to how cloud native and distributed systems can transform, what from the outside may appear to be a slow moving industry,

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Presentation Recap: The Art of the State: Serverless Computing and Distributed Data – Joe Hellerstein, UC Berkeley and Trifacta

Presentation Recap: The Art of the State: Serverless Computing and Distributed Data – Joe Hellerstein, UC Berkeley and Trifacta

We were delighted to have Joe Hellerstein, professor of Computer Science at UC Berkeley and co-founder and Chief Strategy Officer at Trifacta, give the day 2 opening keynote at this year’s 2020 Distributed SQL Summit.

If you weren’t able to attend or want a refresher, here’s the summary and playback of his keynote presentation.

Joe presented the the art of the state serverless computing and distributed data in four chapters:

  • 1.

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A Migration Journey from Amazon DynamoDB to YugabyteDB and Hasura

A Migration Journey from Amazon DynamoDB to YugabyteDB and Hasura

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Tobias Meixner – CTO & Co-Founder at BRIKL, presented the talk, “A Migration Journey from Amazon DynamoDB to YugabyteDB and Hasura.”

Switching databases is painful, even more so when going from NoSQL to SQL. In this talk Tobias gave us insights into BRIKL’s two key elements of their migration path. First, migrating from Apollo Server and Amazon DynamoDB over to Hasura and YugabyteDB.

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Justuno’s Database Journey from Ground to Cloud

Justuno’s Database Journey from Ground to Cloud

At a recent Distributed SQL Summit, Travis Logan – CTO & Co-Founder at Justuno, presented the talk, “Evolve: A Database Journey from Ground to Cloud.”

With over 14 years of experience with Microsoft SQL Server, Travis is well-versed in the evolution of transactional databases. In this talk he summarizes his experiences with traditional RDBMS while trying to improve their redundancy, scaling characteristics, and performance.

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: How Admiral Scales Globally and Achieves Single Digit Latency

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: How Admiral Scales Globally and Achieves Single Digit Latency

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, James Hartig – Co-Founder at Admiral, presented the talk “How Admiral Scales Globally with YugabyteDB on Google Cloud While Maintaining Single-Digit Latency.”

Admiral’s Go application runs in Google Cloud across 5 regions in 3 continents. This geo-distributed architecture is powered by a single YugabyteDB cluster that delivers an average global read latency of 3ms! In this talk,

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YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

YugabyteDB Open Source Community Update – November 2020

We just released YugabyteDB 2.5, and open source software like this doesn’t happen without an awesome open source community backing it. As the year draws to a close, we’d like to take the opportunity to call out some YugabyteDB community highlights from 2020.

Our commitment to open source

First, it is worth restating that YugabyteDB doesn’t pay lip service to open source like other database projects. We don’t trick you into downloading software that has time-bombed enterprise features that you can “try,” but ultimately have to “buy”.

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Envoy and Service Meshes for Databases: What the Future Holds

Envoy and Service Meshes for Databases: What the Future Holds

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Christoph Pakulski, software engineer at Tetrate, and Prasad Radhakrishnan, VP of data engineering at Yugabyte presented the talk “Envoy and Service Meshes for Databases: What the Future Holds”. In the talk, they explored the topics of Envoy, service meshes–specifically Istio, and how they intersect with the database world. Christoph explained the Envoy PostgreSQL network filter extension released earlier in the year,

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Presentation Recap: Modernizing Application Development with GraphQL and Distributed SQL

Presentation Recap: Modernizing Application Development with GraphQL and Distributed SQL

At the Distributed Summit 2020 , Allison Kunz, Solutions Engineer at Hasura, presented the talk “Modernizing Application Development with Planet-scale GraphQL and Distributed SQL”. In the talk she covered what is GraphQL, why GraphQL, why Hasura GraphQL Engine, and a checklist of what it takes to have enterprise-grade GraphQL APIs in production, focusing on performance, security, and reliability. She also showed a demo of Hasura Cloud in action.

What is GraphQL,

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Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Pinterest’s Exploration of Distributed SQL

Distributed SQL Summit Recap: Pinterest’s Exploration of Distributed SQL

At the Distributed SQL Summit 2020, Lianghong Xu – Engineering Manager & Tech Lead, Pinterest – presented the talk “Pinterest’s Exploration of Distributed SQL”. In the talk he covered the evolution of storage at Pinterest, the role that the HBase ecosystem plays within the company, current challenges and opportunities for innovation, and finally, their exploration of Distributed SQL as a viable solution to some of these challenges.

The Storage Evolution at Pinterest

In 2012,

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