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Orchestrating Stateful Apps with Kubernetes StatefulSets

Orchestrating Stateful Apps with Kubernetes StatefulSets

Kubernetes, the open source container orchestration engine that originated from Google’s Borg project, has seen some of the most explosive growth ever recorded in an open source project. The complete software development lifecycle involving stateless apps can now be executed in a more consistent, efficient and resilient manner than ever before. However, the same is not true for stateful apps — containers are inherently stateless and Kubernetes did not do anything special in the initial days to change that.

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Achieving Sub-ms Latencies on Large Datasets in Public Clouds

Achieving Sub-ms Latencies on Large Datasets in Public Clouds

One of our users was interested to learn more about YugabyteDB’s behavior for a random read workload where the data set does not fit in RAM and queries need to read data from disk (i.e. an uncached random read workload).

The intent was to verify if YugabyteDB was designed well to handle this case with the optimal number of IOs to the disk subsystem.

This post is a sneak peak into just one of the aspects of YugabyteDB’s innovative storage engine,

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Building a Strongly Consistent Cassandra with Better Performance

Building a Strongly Consistent Cassandra with Better Performance

In an earlier blog on database consistency, we had a detailed discussion on the risks and challenges applications face in dealing with eventually consistent NoSQL databases. We also dispelled the myth that eventually consistent DBs perform better than strongly consistent DBs. In this blog, we will look more closely into how YugabyteDB provides strong consistency while outperforming an eventually consistent DB like Apache Cassandra. Note that YugabyteDB retains drop-in compatibility with the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) API.

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