
Using Stored Procedures in Distributed SQL Databases

Using Stored Procedures in Distributed SQL Databases

These days, most monolithic SQL databases support stored procedures. This support first emerged in commercially available offerings in the late nineteen eighties. However, stored procedure support is not yet standard in distributed SQL databases. In fact, YugabyteDB is just one of two in this category—supporting stored procedures written in PostgreSQL’s PL/pgSQL. (Aurora also supports stored procedures.) This post recaps the case for stored procedures that motivated their introduction all those years ago. And it describes a performance experiment that measures one of the benefits brought by using stored procedures: the reduction in client-server round trips for multi-statement business transactions.

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Nov 27, 2019

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Nov 27, 2019

We are pleased to announce that YugabyteDB 2.0.6 is live!  You can read the official release notes of this and previous versions here. This release is shipping with almost 30 new enhancements and bug fixes.

What’s YugabyteDB? It is an open source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on a scalable and fault-tolerant design inspired by Google Spanner. Yugabyte’s SQL API (YSQL) and drivers are PostgreSQL wire compatible

YSQL changes

  • Transparent read restarts for general queries.

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How Plume Handled Billions of Operations Per Day Despite an AWS Zone Outage

How Plume Handled Billions of Operations Per Day Despite an AWS Zone Outage

Enterprises deploy YugabyteDB clusters across multiple availability zones (AZs) in order to ensure continuous availability of their business-critical services even when faced with cloud infrastructure failures like zone outages. On November 12, 2019, there was one such outage of an entire availability zone in the eu-central-1 region of AWS. This was reported on the AWS status page on that day, along with an official update.

In this post, we are going to look at how a Yugabyte customer,

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YugabyteDB Community Update, Tricks and Tips – Nov 22, 2019

YugabyteDB Community Update, Tricks and Tips – Nov 22, 2019

Welcome to this week’s community update where we recap a few interesting questions that have popped up in the last week or so on the YugabyteDB Slack channel, the Forum, GitHub or Stackoverflow. We’ll also review upcoming events, new blogs and documentation that has been published since the last update. Ok, let’s dive right in:

How do data compactions work in YugabyteDB?

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Nov 20, 2019

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Nov 20, 2019

We are pleased to announce that YugabyteDB 2.0.5 is live!  You can read the offical release notes of this and previous versions here. This release is shipping with over 40 new enhancements and bug fixes.

What’s YugabyteDB? It is an open source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on a scalable and fault-tolerant design inspired by Google Spanner. YugabyteDB’s SQL API (YSQL) and drivers are PostgreSQL wire compatible

YSQL changes

  • Change HINT text for unsupported “alter procedure/function”.

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YugabyteDB Community Engineering Update, Tricks and Tips – Nov 8, 2019

YugabyteDB Community Engineering Update, Tricks and Tips – Nov 8, 2019

Welcome to this week’s community update where we recap a few interesting questions that have popped up in the last week or so on the YugabyteDB Slack channel, the Forum, GitHub or Stackoverflow. We’ll also review upcoming events, new blogs and documentation that has been published since the last update. Ok, let’s dive right in:

What effect does TTL have on performance?

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YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Oct 30, 2019

YugabyteDB Engineering Update – Oct 30, 2019

We are pleased to announce that YugabyteDB 2.0.3 is live! You can read the release notes of this and previous versions here. This release is shipping with 50 new enhancements and bug fixes.

What’s YugabyteDB? It is an open source, high-performance distributed SQL database built on a scalable and fault-tolerant design inspired by Google Spanner. YugabyteDB’s SQL API (YSQL) and drivers are PostgreSQL wire compatible

[#1845] YSQL: Support for TLS Server to Server Encryption

TLS encryption is now supported between yb-master and yb-tserver processes.

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How to: PostgreSQL Fuzzy String Matching In YugabyteDB

How to: PostgreSQL Fuzzy String Matching In YugabyteDB

Before analyzing a large dataset that contains textual information, it’s important to scrub it and eliminate duplicates when necessary. To remove duplicates, you may need to compare strings referring to the same thing, but that may be written slightly different, have typos or were misspelled. Alternatively, you might need to join two tables on a column (let’s say on company name), and these can appear slightly different in both tables.

Fuzzy String Matching (or Approximate String Matching) is the process of finding strings that approximately match a pattern.

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2019 Distributed SQL Summit Recap and Highlights

2019 Distributed SQL Summit Recap and Highlights

Well, that’s a wrap! Yugabyte would like to extend a special thanks to JD and Amanda from the team, and to all the speakers from Facebook, Google, Amazon, Pivotal, Salesforce, Narvar, Plume Design and others that presented at the first-ever Distributed SQL Summit on Sept 20, 2019.

If you couldn’t make it out to this year’s event, have no fear!

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