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Getting Started with SQL Workbench/J on a Distributed SQL Database

Getting Started with SQL Workbench/J on a Distributed SQL Database

Although most databases ship with a command line utility to administer the instance, these utilities often come with a steep learning curve. If using the command line and learning sometimes arcane syntax makes you uncomfortable, there are graphical tools that can help you speed up many daily DBA tasks. In fact, you can find a comprehensive list of tools on the PostgreSQL wiki here. In a previous blog we explored the DBeaver database management tool,

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PostgreSQL How To: Installing the Chinook Sample DB on a Distributed SQL Database

PostgreSQL How To: Installing the Chinook Sample DB on a Distributed SQL Database

In this post we are going to walk you through how to download and install the PostgreSQL version of the Chinook sample DB on the YugabyteDB distributed SQL database with a replication factor of 3.

What’s YugabyteDB? It’s a high performance distributed SQL database for global, internet-scale apps. YugabyteDB is a PostgreSQL-compatible database. Similar to Google Spanner, YugabyteDB gives you all the scalability characteristics of NoSQL, without sacrificing the ACID transactions or strong consistency you are accustomed to with PostgreSQL.

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Getting Started with DBeaver on a Distributed SQL Database

Getting Started with DBeaver on a Distributed SQL Database

Editor’s note: Updated July 7, 2020 with the new DBeaver wizard

If you’re a database developer, you know that you need different SQL statements for creating schemas, ad-hoc querying, initiating backups, or troubleshooting. For these scenarios, finding the right graphical tool can speed up these tasks and make you more productive. Over the years, the PostgreSQL community has developed several open source graphical tools for managing PostgreSQL databases, visualizing the datasets it contains,

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Relational Data Modeling with Foreign Keys in a Distributed SQL Database

Relational Data Modeling with Foreign Keys in a Distributed SQL Database

Note added on October 31, 2019

A lot has happened since this post was published in July 2019. Back then, the current YugabyteDB version was 1.2.10. And now, it’s 2.0.3. My original text included some caveats and comments like “Until this support is added in a future release…”. Now, no caveats are needed. I therefore revised my text and the companion downloadable code to remove all reference to those earlier, interim,

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GO-JEK’s Performance Benchmarking of CockroachDB, TiDB & YugabyteDB on Kubernetes

GO-JEK’s Performance Benchmarking of CockroachDB, TiDB & YugabyteDB on Kubernetes

Iqbal Farabi and Tara Baskara, Systems Engineers from GO-JEK Indonesia, recently presented the results of their benchmarking of cloud native databases on Kubernetes at KubeCon Europe in Barcelona. The three databases they benchmarked were CockroachDB, TiDB and YugabyteDB. This post brings their presentation (video recording) and slides (PDF) to the attention of our readers. It also highlights a few areas of collaboration between the GO-JEK team and YugabyteDB Engineering.

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Achieving Fast Failovers After Network Partitions in a Distributed SQL Database

Achieving Fast Failovers After Network Partitions in a Distributed SQL Database

In February of this year, Kyle Kingsbury of was conducting formal testing of YugabyteDB for correctness under extreme and unorthodox conditions. Obviously, simulating all manner of network partitions is part of his testing methodology. As a result, during his testing he spotted the fact that although nodes would reliably come back after a failure, the recovery itself was taking roughly 25 seconds to occur. We certainly didn’t like the sound of that!

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6 Technical Challenges Developing a Distributed SQL Database

6 Technical Challenges Developing a Distributed SQL Database

You can join the discussion on HackerNews here.

We crossed the three year mark of developing the YugabyteDB database in February of 2019. It has been a thrilling journey thus far, but not without its fair share of technical challenges. There were times when we had to go back to the drawing board and even sift through academic research to find a better solution than what we had at hand.

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