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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.14: Higher Performance and Security

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.14: Higher Performance and Security

Our team continues to deliver new innovations, so we are excited to announce our latest stable release—YugabyteDB 2.14, which delivers higher performance, security and YugabyteDB Anywhere enhancements.

YugabyteDB is quickly becoming the cloud native relational database for the world’s most demanding enterprises, driving data-driven innovation in the face of growth, uncertainty, and change. 

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Yugabyte Engineering: Why I Decided to Join a Fast-Growing Startup

Yugabyte Engineering: Why I Decided to Join a Fast-Growing Startup

Hello. I’m Sahith, a Yugabyte engineering intern. I’m a 2022 Computer Science Engineer graduate from PES University in Bangalore who loves to solve problems with code. I also recently decided to join Yugabyte in a full-time engineering role. And lucky for me, this turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.

However, before joining the company full time, I wanted to share some takeaways from my internship experience.

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Securing YugabyteDB: Part 3 – CQL Client-to-Server Encryption in Transit

Securing YugabyteDB: Part 3 – CQL Client-to-Server Encryption in Transit

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog series, we covered securing YugabyteDB through the database’s internal RPC and SQL protocols using the TLS encryption protocol. In this post, we explore how to secure communication between CQL clients and the CQL-compatible YCQL query interface of YugabyteDB, as part of the client-to-server encryption in transit setup.

Encryption in transit is a common requirement for client-to-server communication.

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Three Insights Gained as an Intern at DSS Asia 2022

Three Insights Gained as an Intern at DSS Asia 2022

Hey Everybody! It’s Lakshmi, reporting again from the APJ team!

I recently received valuable first-hand experience helping to run one of the team’s flagship events: the second annual Distributed SQL Summit (DSS) Asia!

This event brought together developers, architects, and business leaders from all over Asia and beyond. Vish Phaneendra’s roundup post provides a great recap. It was exciting to reach close to 1,000 unique attendees and watch 20+ different talks from thought leaders,

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Securing YugabyteDB: Part 2 – Client-to-Server Encryption in Transit

Securing YugabyteDB: Part 2 – Client-to-Server Encryption in Transit

In the first post in this series, we covered how to secure YugabyteDB’s internal RPC protocol using the TLS encryption protocol, also referred to as server-to-server encryption in transit. In this post, we secure the communication between SQL clients and the PostgresQL query interface of YugabyteDB, also called client-to-server encryption in transit. 

YugabyteDB—a 100% open source, distributed SQL database built to accelerate cloud native agility—stores important user and customer data at an organization.

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Achieving PCI DSS Compliance with YugabyteDB

Achieving PCI DSS Compliance with YugabyteDB

Welcome back to our blog series about how different compliance and regulatory frameworks work and how YugabyteDB can be an essential part of a company’s compliance efforts. In this third installment, we focus on the PCI Security Standards Council’s Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). More specifically, we reveal how companies can use YugabyteDB to enable compliance with certain key PCI DSS requirements.

For further details, read our recently published Yugabyte PCI DSS Compliance Guide.

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.13: Breakthrough Developer Experience and Performance

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.13: Breakthrough Developer Experience and Performance

We are thrilled to announce the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.13. This is a major release that delivers better control over where geo-distributed deployments store and access data. More specifically, it allows enterprises to lower data transfer costs, improve performance, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. This release also includes new features and integrations to enhance developer experience.

YugabyteDB offers a rich set of deployment and replication options in geo-distributed environments.

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Performing Flexible IO Testing in YugabyteDB

Performing Flexible IO Testing in YugabyteDB

ybio is a PL/pgSQL based load generator for PostgreSQL and YSQL. This YugabyteDB-specific IO testing toolkit performs flexible IO testing to specific parts of the YugabyteDB infrastructure with no client installation. And because this toolkit is PL/pgSQL-based, it can also work on native PostgreSQL.

ybio is strongly inspired by Kevin Closson’s SLOB and pgio. Yugabyte Developer Advocate Franck Pachot took pgio and turned it into ybio.

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