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Distributed SQL

Performing Flexible IO Testing in YugabyteDB

Performing Flexible IO Testing in YugabyteDB

ybio is a PL/pgSQL based load generator for PostgreSQL and YSQL. This YugabyteDB-specific IO testing toolkit performs flexible IO testing to specific parts of the YugabyteDB infrastructure with no client installation. And because this toolkit is PL/pgSQL-based, it can also work on native PostgreSQL.

ybio is strongly inspired by Kevin Closson’s SLOB and pgio. Yugabyte Developer Advocate Franck Pachot took pgio and turned it into ybio.

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Three Reasons Why I Joined Yugabyte APJ

Three Reasons Why I Joined Yugabyte APJ

Hello Everyone! I am Lakshmi, a tech product marketing intern for the Yugabyte Asia Pacific Japan (APJ) team. It has been my first month working at Yugabyte and I am thankful for the opportunity. Beyond my internship, I am a final year student at the NUS Business School in Singapore, specializing in Business Analytics.

A bit about me

Prior to joining Yugabyte APJ, I had always been interested in the world of startups.

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Better Developer Experience: Getting Started with YugabyteDB on Gitpod

Better Developer Experience: Getting Started with YugabyteDB on Gitpod

Developer onboarding and experience gets simplified every day. But while developers use many modern software development techniques—including 12-factor, cloud native, and continuous integration—developer onboarding remains a challenge. Therefore, what developers need is an integrated, self-contained platform that helps them get started with ease. 

Gitpod is one such way we can steer into that problem space to create a better developer experience. More specifically, Gitpod provides git-based, fully automated, integrated cloud-native development workflows with the prerequisites configured.

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TPC-C Benchmark: Scaling YugabyteDB to 100,000 Warehouses

TPC-C Benchmark: Scaling YugabyteDB to 100,000 Warehouses

We’re excited to announce a new milestone in our TPC-C benchmark journey! YugabyteDB can now scale up to 100,000 warehouses with an efficiency of 99.78%. More specifically, this results in 630,000 operations per second on the database cluster, observed over a two-hour period.

For those new to TPC-C, it’s an OLTP system benchmarking tool used to measure performance when handling transactions generated by a real-world OLTP application. It models a business that has a warehouse,

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Securing YugabyteDB: Part 1 – Server-to-Server Encryption in Transit

Securing YugabyteDB: Part 1 – Server-to-Server Encryption in Transit

Encryption in transit is a common requirement for client-to-server communication. It is particularly important for YugabyteDB, a 100% open source, distributed SQL database built to accelerate cloud native agility. YugabyteDB typically stores important user and customer data at an organization.

In this ongoing blog series, we take a look at the different aspects of encryption in transit for YugabyteDB. This first post will focus on encryption in transit for the database’s internal RPC communication protocol,

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A Matter of Time: Evolving Clock Sync for Distributed Databases

A Matter of Time: Evolving Clock Sync for Distributed Databases

Distributed clock synchronization is critical for many applications, including distributed SQL databases. Clock synchronization needs to keep up with the other demands in our modern infrastructure, such as:

  • Applications that have increasing performance requirements while distributing data across different geographic regions
  • Network infrastructure and computing power that is improving constantly

A distributed SQL database is highly available and resilient to failures when deployed across a cluster of nodes.

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YugabyteDB Savepoints: Checkpointing Work in Distributed Transactions

YugabyteDB Savepoints: Checkpointing Work in Distributed Transactions

Yugabyte brings best-in-class performance, scalability, and availability to YugabyteDB, a fully PostgreSQL-compatible SQL database. Because YugabyteDB’s architecture uses PostgreSQL at the SQL layer, we get a long-tail of PostgreSQL compatibility for free. But implementing savepoints requires deeper integration into YugabyteDB’s distributed persistence and transaction layers. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss why you should care about savepoints. We’ll also examine how we built savepoints into YugabyteDB’s distributed transaction layer,

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My Yugabyte Journey into Distributed SQL Databases

My Yugabyte Journey into Distributed SQL Databases

This post was written by Nim Wijetunga, a Yugabyte intern during fall 2021. Nim’s currently a software engineering student at the University of Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.

My journey into distributed databases began in early 2021. I was an intern at Snowflake and was part of the core FoundationDB (FDB) team. FDB is an open source distributed key-value store. Snowflake and Apple are currently the largest contributors (and maintainers) of FDB.

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YugabyteDB Migration: What About Those 19 Oracle Features I Thought I Would Miss?

YugabyteDB Migration: What About Those 19 Oracle Features I Thought I Would Miss?

In 2019, I gave a presentation with the title, “19 features you will miss if you leave Oracle.” The talk focused on features used every day with Oracle—and those that may not be available in other databases. However, the goal of this presentation was not to influence any decision or outcome. 

Migrating from a commercial database is not about covering a full set of features. It’s a strategy to stay in control of the software that processes and stores enterprise data.

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