
Three Reasons Why I Joined Yugabyte APJ

Three Reasons Why I Joined Yugabyte APJ

Hello Everyone! I am Lakshmi, a tech product marketing intern for the Yugabyte Asia Pacific Japan (APJ) team. It has been my first month working at Yugabyte and I am thankful for the opportunity. Beyond my internship, I am a final year student at the NUS Business School in Singapore, specializing in Business Analytics.

A bit about me

Prior to joining Yugabyte APJ, I had always been interested in the world of startups.

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Yugabyte Partners with HashiCorp Vault for Centralized Secrets Management

Yugabyte Partners with HashiCorp Vault for Centralized Secrets Management

Yugabyte is on a mission to build the leading distributed database for cloud native applications and simplify operational data infrastructure. The Yugabyte team is delighted to announce a new technology partnership with HashiCorp, a market leader in multi-cloud infrastructure automation software. The partnership brings integration of Yugabyte Platform with HashiCorp Vault.

The Yugabyte Platform integration is officially verified and approved by HashiCorp. This enables you to manage and control access for encryption keys,

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Better Developer Experience: Getting Started with YugabyteDB on Gitpod

Better Developer Experience: Getting Started with YugabyteDB on Gitpod

Developer onboarding and experience gets simplified every day. But while developers use many modern software development techniques—including 12-factor, cloud native, and continuous integration—developer onboarding remains a challenge. Therefore, what developers need is an integrated, self-contained platform that helps them get started with ease. 

Gitpod is one such way we can steer into that problem space to create a better developer experience. More specifically, Gitpod provides git-based, fully automated, integrated cloud-native development workflows with the prerequisites configured.

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Database Connection Management: Exploring Pools and Performance

Database Connection Management: Exploring Pools and Performance

There are many secrets to creating a high-performing database application. One such secret is proper database connection management. However, this secret is not specific to YugabyteDB or PostgreSQL, but applies to any database.

In this post, we examine database connection management through the lens of YugabyteDB. We explore pools and performance, and run tests to measure the results. By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear sense of how to make efficient use of database connection management.

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Cloud Native Java: Integrating YugabyteDB with Spring Boot, Quarkus, and Micronaut

Cloud Native Java: Integrating YugabyteDB with Spring Boot, Quarkus, and Micronaut

Java is the quintessential language runtime for enterprise applications built on monoliths, microservices, and modular architecture patterns. But when it comes to “Enterprise Java,” Spring is the de facto framework of choice.

The Spring ecosystem—with the simplicity of Spring Boot—has grown to provide integration touchpoints to a majority of the Java ecosystem. For starters, it offers a clean abstraction and “glue” code to build cohesive enterprise applications. However,

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TPC-C Benchmark: Scaling YugabyteDB to 100,000 Warehouses

TPC-C Benchmark: Scaling YugabyteDB to 100,000 Warehouses

We’re excited to announce a new milestone in our TPC-C benchmark journey! YugabyteDB can now scale up to 100,000 warehouses with an efficiency of 99.78%. More specifically, this results in 630,000 operations per second on the database cluster, observed over a two-hour period.

For those new to TPC-C, it’s an OLTP system benchmarking tool used to measure performance when handling transactions generated by a real-world OLTP application. It models a business that has a warehouse,

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Securing YugabyteDB: Part 1 – Server-to-Server Encryption in Transit

Securing YugabyteDB: Part 1 – Server-to-Server Encryption in Transit

Encryption in transit is a common requirement for client-to-server communication. It is particularly important for YugabyteDB, a 100% open source, distributed SQL database built to accelerate cloud native agility. YugabyteDB typically stores important user and customer data at an organization.

In this ongoing blog series, we take a look at the different aspects of encryption in transit for YugabyteDB. This first post will focus on encryption in transit for the database’s internal RPC communication protocol,

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A Matter of Time: Evolving Clock Sync for Distributed Databases

A Matter of Time: Evolving Clock Sync for Distributed Databases

Distributed clock synchronization is critical for many applications, including distributed SQL databases. Clock synchronization needs to keep up with the other demands in our modern infrastructure, such as:

  • Applications that have increasing performance requirements while distributing data across different geographic regions
  • Network infrastructure and computing power that is improving constantly

A distributed SQL database is highly available and resilient to failures when deployed across a cluster of nodes.

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My Yugabyte Journey: From Intern to Full-Time Software Engineer

My Yugabyte Journey: From Intern to Full-Time Software Engineer

Hello. My name is Tim Elgersma, and I’m a software engineering intern on the YSQL team at Yugabyte. I have one semester left in my bachelor of Computer Science program at the University of Waterloo. In this blog post, I’d like to talk about my experience interning here over the past several months, and why I’m excited to join the company full time upon graduation.

Adding tablespaces to tablegroups

My onboarding at Yugabyte went pretty smoothly.

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