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What’s New and Improved in YugabyteDB Docs

What’s New and Improved in YugabyteDB Docs

Welcome to our first blog post focused on what’s new and improved in YugabyteDB Docs. We’re continually adding to and updating the documentation to give you the information you need to make the most out of YugabyteDB. This post covers recent content added, and changes made, to the YugabyteDB documentation. Before jumping into new content, the first section covers the efforts we’ve made to help you quickly find the answers you’re looking for.

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SQL Puzzle: Partial Versus Expression Indexes

SQL Puzzle: Partial Versus Expression Indexes

Here is an intriguing SQL puzzle we came across in the context of a real-world use case. This post shows the power of advanced RDBMS features such as partial indexes and expression indexes.

Let us assume we have a table in PostgreSQL named users, where each row in the table represents a user. The table is defined as follows.


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Real-Time Scalable GraphQL and JAMstack with Gatsby, Hasura, and YugabyteDB

Real-Time Scalable GraphQL and JAMstack with Gatsby, Hasura, and YugabyteDB

JAMstack is a new way of building websites and apps. It’s not a technology but rather an architectural pattern that is growing in popularity. In JAMstack, the JAM acronym stands for JavaScript, API, and Markup, and the main idea behind the technology is that web applications don’t have to rely on the application server to be fully functional and robust.

There are four primary benefits of adopting a JAMstack architecture.

  • Higher performance driven by efficient use of static assets and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs).

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Getting Started with Distributed SQL on Red Hat OpenShift with YugabyteDB Operator

Getting Started with Distributed SQL on Red Hat OpenShift with YugabyteDB Operator

We are happy to announce that the YugabyteDB Operator is now certified and available as a Beta release on Red Hat OpenShift, a leading enterprise Kubernetes platform for deploying and managing cloud native applications. Achieving certification means that customers can deploy YugabyteDB on OpenShift with confidence because the YugabyteDB container image has been secured, validated, and is well-integrated to run on OpenShift. And the solution is backed by collaborative support between Red Hat and Yugabyte,

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Highly Available Prometheus Metrics for Distributed SQL with Thanos on GKE

Highly Available Prometheus Metrics for Distributed SQL with Thanos on GKE

In the last few years, Prometheus has gained huge popularity as a tool for monitoring distributed systems. It has a simple yet powerful data model and query language, however, it can often pose a bit of a challenge when it comes to high availability as well as for historical metric data storage. Adding more Prometheus replicas can be used to improve availability, but otherwise, Prometheus does not offer continuous availability. For example, if one of the Prometheus replicas crashes,

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Follow-up: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB Webinar

Follow-up: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB Webinar

Earlier this week, Yugabyte CTO Karthik Ranganathan presented the live webinar: Evaluating CockroachDB vs YugabyteDB, with a spotlight on comparing PostgreSQL features, architecture, and the latest performance benchmarks between the two databases. We were delighted to see such interest in the topic, dive deeper into some of the topics we raised in parts 1 and parts 2 of the blog series, Bringing Truth to Competitive Benchmark Claims – YugabyteDB vs CockroachDB, and answer questions from the audience.

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Building the Cloud Native Future – Why I Joined Yugabyte

Building the Cloud Native Future – Why I Joined Yugabyte

I am incredibly proud and honored to be taking on a new role as CEO of Yugabyte. When I started talking with Yugabyte’s founders, Karthik, Kannan and Mikhail, about joining the Yugabyte executive team, I was hooked. I immediately felt a strong alignment between my experiences and goals, and the opportunities ahead at Yugabyte. A lot goes into finding the right role at the right time, but three things in particular really stood out and inspired me to join Yugabyte.

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Welcome Bill Cook as Yugabyte’s New CEO

Welcome Bill Cook as Yugabyte’s New CEO

I’m excited to welcome Bill Cook to the team as the new CEO of Yugabyte! Bill is an extraordinary leader with an exemplary record of building and scaling enterprise infrastructure companies. Bill joins us from Pivotal Software where, as co-founder and President, he was part of the leadership team that helped solidify the company as the gold standard in cloud native software development and led Pivotal through its IPO and subsequent merger with VMware in 2019.

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Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance – Testing YugabyteDB’s Compatibility

Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance – Testing YugabyteDB’s Compatibility

This post explores the compatibility of YugabyteDB with Oracle and PostgreSQL by examining 15 different Oracle features and their PostgreSQL equivalents highlighted in Roland Takacs’ blog post “Oracle vs PostgreSQL: First Glance.” As a PostgreSQL-compatible distributed SQL database, YugabyteDB offers a broad range of SQL features, making it an interesting choice for those looking to migrate from Oracle to a modern tech stack.

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New 451 Research Report: Distributed SQL

New 451 Research Report: Distributed SQL

Today, we are releasing a new 451 Research report: Distributed SQL, An Enabler for Globally Consistent Transactional Workloads. The report, which we commissioned, explores how database systems, sitting at the heart of the enterprise, play a key role in digital transformation initiatives.

At Yugabyte, we partner with our customers daily to help accelerate their digital initiatives, and we get a front-row seat as their business-critical applications scale to billions and billions of operations per day,

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Explore Distributed SQL and YugabyteDB in Depth

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