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5 Query Pushdowns for Distributed SQL and How They Differ from a Traditional RDBMS

5 Query Pushdowns for Distributed SQL and How They Differ from a Traditional RDBMS

A pushdown is an optimization to improve the performance of a SQL query by moving its processing as close to the data as possible. Pushdowns can drastically reduce SQL statement processing time by filtering data before transferring it over the network, filtering data before loading it into memory, or pruning out entire files or blocks that  do not need to be read. PostgreSQL is a highly optimized single-node RDBMS when it comes to pushdowns. Because Yugabyte’s YSQL API reuses the upper half of PostgreSQL,

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Getting Started with SQL Workbench/J on a Distributed SQL Database

Getting Started with SQL Workbench/J on a Distributed SQL Database

Although most databases ship with a command line utility to administer the instance, these utilities often come with a steep learning curve. If using the command line and learning sometimes arcane syntax makes you uncomfortable, there are graphical tools that can help you speed up many daily DBA tasks. In fact, you can find a comprehensive list of tools on the PostgreSQL wiki here. In a previous blog we explored the DBeaver database management tool,

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