The Distributed SQL Blog

Measuring the Performance Impact of TLS Encryption Using TPC-C

Measuring the Performance Impact of TLS Encryption Using TPC-C

Organizations need to protect their data, especially the personal data entrusted to them from their users and customers. In order to do so, the data transferred by a database over the network needs to be secure. This is often accomplished using TLS encryption, an encryption protocol that secures communication across a network. When secured by TLS, a communication between a client and a server can enable the two parties to identify one another (preventing any impersonation),

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The Average Dreamer

The Average Dreamer

Editor’s note: Yugabyte is hiring! See all the job openings and consider applying.


Does any of this ring familiar to you:

“I don’t think that I am making any contribution to the overall growth of the organization.”

“It’s not only about the growth of the organization, it’s about your growth. Both go hand in hand. These tasks might seem trivial to you but they are very important so that you get comfortable.”

Ever heard these words from your manager?

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Achieving Compliance with YugabyteDB

Achieving Compliance with YugabyteDB

This is the first in a series of posts about how different compliance and regulatory frameworks work and how YugabyteDB can be an essential part of a company’s compliance efforts. This installment is an overview of the different international compliance frameworks companies encounter on their journeys with customers.

What’s the Purpose of a Compliance Framework?

A compliance framework is a set of guidelines, baselines and best practices used by companies to establish internal controls to meet regulatory requirements,

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Announcing YugabyteDB 2.4

Announcing YugabyteDB 2.4

Run mission-critical applications at scale with enterprise-grade SLAs and security

Our mission at Yugabyte is to build the default distributed SQL database for cloud native applications in a multi-cloud world. We have been accelerating on this mission by bringing new features, growing our user base, and making our software as robust as possible. Today we are excited to announce the general availability of YugabyteDB 2.4 which includes major enhancements and provides enterprise-grade stability allowing you to deploy YugabyteDB in production environments.

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How We Learned to Stop Guessing and Love Low P-Values

How We Learned to Stop Guessing and Love Low P-Values

“I don’t think it’s quite fair to condemn the whole program because of a single slip up, sir.” Famous last words from Kubrick’s 1964 classic Dr. Strangelove, as a forlorn general realizes his negligence is about to lead to nuclear apocalypse. This may feel relatable to any engineer who has immediately regretted pushing the big red “release” button only to later find themselves putting out fires late into the night.

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Secondary Index Migration in YugabyteDB

Secondary Index Migration in YugabyteDB


YugabyteDB has a great feature in strongly consistent secondary indexes. I have been asked a few times now about how to modify existing indexes. These can range from adding another column to the index or adding another column to the INCLUDE clause. The big question at the end of the day is: how to do this without having to take downtime on the indexes? In this blog post, using the Yugabyte CQL API we will look at how to switch a live running application from using one index to another without a performance hit during the transition,

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Applying Legal Design Thinking to the Software Development Process

Applying Legal Design Thinking to the Software Development Process

Legal compliance for technology startups can be overwhelming. GDPR, CCPA, HIPAA, SOX, PCI, NIST — with so many long acronyms covering so many different legal frameworks, it can be hard to keep track of what applies to what, and become easy to fall into the trap of thinking you’ll deal with it later. But that can result in big technical and legal debt down the road that inhibits a startup’s growth very quickly. There is a middle road — applying legal design thinking from the beginning allows companies to innovate while at the same time choosing a legal framework for their software that meets customer needs and ensures business success.

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Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021 Recap and Highlights

Distributed SQL Summit Asia 2021 Recap and Highlights

We had a great time at Distributed SQL Summit Asia and hope you did, too! Now that the event has ended, we wanted to take a moment and recap some of the highlights, as well as provide you with links to playbacks of the presentations.

DSS Asia 2021 by the Numbers

We held the Asia Summit from 10am – 3pm India Standard Time for three days (Jan 20 –

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A Yugabyte Software Engineering Intern’s Journey

A Yugabyte Software Engineering Intern’s Journey

Editor’s note: Yugabyte is hiring!

The Call to Adventure

My distributed SQL story begins late in 2019, back at my previous internship at a Norwegian startup called Cognite. While I was there, my team lead would always talk about how awesome distributed databases are, and also about his side project where he was building a small distributed SQL database from scratch in Rust (check it out here).

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YugabyteDB Fundamentals Training Q&A – Jan 28, 2021

YugabyteDB Fundamentals Training Q&A – Jan 28, 2021

Yesterday we had almost 200 folks show up for the latest “YugabyteDB Fundamentals and Certification” training session. We had a lot of questions during the session and weren’t able to get to them all! In this blog I have compiled the majority of them and provided answers in a simple Q&A format.

Missed yesterday’s training? You can catch our next training session, “YugabyteDB YSQL Development and Certification and Training” on Feb 25 by registering here.

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